Moving tomorrow
I am moving tomorrow to Antioch. I'm trying to load the van of all the small stuff. Then will get the heavier stuff after that. It doesn't help that I've had a blasted migraine for 2 days. I just keep taking my Dilauda and Pheneragan every 6 hours. Here's my new address: 529 Danley Ct. Antioch 37013. Don't know what my new phone number will be until Friday when Vonage hooks me up. My honey lives in the basement of the house and I'll be sharing the house with an older lady upstairs. Looking forward to getting out of this one room place. It is so depressing.
Well my break is over. Been up now for almost 2 hours and have already downed 3 (10oz) of water. Can't seem to get enough in me today.
Love ya
Well my break is over. Been up now for almost 2 hours and have already downed 3 (10oz) of water. Can't seem to get enough in me today.
Love ya