Sick Day #2
Sometimes I would rather cut off my left pinkie and go to work bleeding to death than to call my boss for a sick day. I have ALWAYS hated to call in sick. What if he thinks I am faking? What if he thinks I'm not that sick? I don't take many sick days. So today, I had to call in AGAIN, day #2. Finally got that task out of the way.
On my list of "don't likes" is also staying home on a sick day. There is nothing on tv. What is there to do? I don't feel well enough to do house work such as laundry, dishes, or pretty much anything else. So, I sleep.
I've had a headache constantly for a few days now. Even with all the Rapid Blast Tylenol (better than hydrocodone liquid pain med in my opinion), my kidney can find relief but my head seems to throb. Then there's the chills from the fever. Sometimes I have three blankets on my bed, all fuzzy and thick and warm, but teeth still chattering and causing my back to hurt from the spasm movements. Just when the tylenol kicks in... I am able to get back to sleep and in a few hours, the entire process starts all over again.
I am a sissy. A wimp. I have ZERO pain tolerance. But I am hoping that tomorrow I can go back to work. Yesterday I did go out twice, once to the primary care and once to Kroger for some groceries. We were not gone very long, but by the time I returned, I was exhausted! I did not know that a kidney infection could be so painful.
Other than that, I am on the mend. I even was able to eat some supper last night after two days of almost nothing. I have lost a few lbs though.
It is awful to be sick, but it is a way of our bodies telling us, enough! So listen to your body, take a hot shower, sometimes that helps my headaches. I know what you mean about nothing on TV, but perhaps a DVD? I would highly recommend Mama Mia!!! Great chick flick and you can sing along!
Take care and use those sick days, that is what they are for!!!
Nothing is more important then your health. Rest while you can and get well.
Love ya,

Well I figured it was time for a boring update. I didn't have a nap until about 2:00 today. Then I kept having some weird nightmares about being stuck in a college dorm bathroom which was really nasty and I could not escape. All doors led to the same nasty area and I felt doomed to a life of stinky restroom mess.
Then after I woke up, I decided I'd do what any girl does when she feels like crap. Take a shower and shave my legs, and put on clean clothes. I think i've taken about 3 showers or baths a day since Saturday as it helps relieve the kidney pain. Today though I just took the one shower. It felt really good. No nasty dorm bathroom smells or grossness.
While ago, I finally got up and made myself some dinner. Tim is at the house working. I have been wanting oatmeal since yesterday so I rummaged through the closet to find some instant low sugar oatmeal. Couldn't find any. PLEASE DEAR LORD DON'T TELL ME AT A TIME LIKE THIS THAT THERE IS NO OATMEAL IN THIS HOUSE! I couldn't even begin to tell you the last time I had a pack of oatmeal. Ahh fortunately I found two boxes that were on sale at Kroger some time back. I chose Apple & Cinnamon and threw in just a few raisins. I must be getting better. I ate all the bowl. My tummy feels satisfied and I am sitting here in my warm socks, hooded sweatshirt (Tim's size XL) , sweat pants, and under three blankets. I am tempted to find the electric plug ins for my electric blanket. I'm covered up with it, but its not hooked up or plugged in. I'm THAT cold!
I hope I am better enough to go back to work tomorrow. It's boring at home. But, I will probably (if I go to work) end up only working for about half a day. I would just get entirely too tired.
That's about enough of my ramblings. Oh yeah, I've been off wellbutrin since Saturday. I find myself bursting into tears throughout the day (counting? probably about 5 times now. No, make that 6). It really takes my appetite away and so I stopped taking it since I already have NO appetite due to the illness. I didn't think I needed an additional stressor. Plus, I've not had much food on my stomach and the medications really hurt my tummy.
If I don't make sense, can't blame it on the pain medicine... I've only had two doses today (Of Liquid Rapid Blast Tylenol, not hydrocodone liquid like the doc gave me). Last one was around 1;00 and wore off long ago! Unfortunately, this is Melinda talking here! lol.
Hope you all are doing WELL and are healthy. I would not wish anyone to be sick.
It's been quiet on the email front with you not being at work this week. I am taking off today and Friday from RIP, so I'll be back next week.
Take care and I hope you and Tim have a really great New Years Eve!

I really know what's going on though, you miss me talking wild and all off the board and making you laugh. If you only knew what I want to post on the board you'd no doubt laugh yourself to death, I did...............but I won't post it yet. Yes, it's one of those postop body things, but it's funny, well, to me anyway. Who cares that I look like a little raisinette with legs and eyes, and hair, and other human features...............LOL
Hope you're better today!
But, as I got older, and spent years in nursing school and spent all that money for the books, I came to realize that sometimes, in order to get better, you HAVE to admit you're sick and just go lie down. It sounds like you're doing some of that, but resisting.
Admit it, you've gotten sick. I'm sure you don't and won't do it very often. People will give you a pass - even those of us who used to feel the same way either have done or will come to realize that it's not a logical or reasonable point of view.
Oh, and the headache - I had a series of kidney infections when I was in my 20s. I ALWAYS had that horrible, throbbing, nasty headache with them. I'm not at all sure it's not a s/e of the antibiotics.
I know you're acutely uncomfortable and sick right now. I hope you recover quickly. Feel better soon!
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"