My journey... who all I'm doing this for...
I hope ya'll won't mind me rambling here a bit... It has been a long night sitting up in a recliner with a sick little one, and as tired as I am, sometimes I find my mind is so full I just have to get it out somewhere.
Connor is my son, he is two and half, and he is a miracle! All babies are, but you see I was 38, teaching in VA, and had been given no hope of ever having a child. I was teaching and my leg kept going to sleep when I was standing, so I went to my primary care physican, he told me that I had probably hurt my back and being a teacher and on my feet I wasn't giving myself time to heal. Give it time.... The next month, it was getting worse not better, so I went back, he referred me to a spine specialist. That appt took forever to get here, and he wanted an MRI. I went to have an MRI, which I am highly claustrophobic, and they had to knock me out. The next week, Fay, my best friend and I went for the results, he was so cold, he said, "your spine is fine but you have a mass in your uterine area you might want to have checked out." I nearly threw up, a mass. Luckily my OB was in the same hospital as that doctor, they worked me in the next day. Fay went with me again. She was there as the doctor poked and prodded and said, it was a large mass and it would have to come out. She sent me to ultrasound to see what was affected. The tech said, "Oh, my" and Fay stepped down, I'll never forget, "Its a baby!" A big baby.... He was 24 weeks when we found out I was pregnant. Fay was there, I lived with her and her husband, Derek and their son Ryan. They are as much as my family as my blood relatives. They saw me through the next few months and Fay was in the delivery room when Connor made his grand entrance!
I know this journey of weight loss and getting healthy is for me, but it is for them too, it is for Connor, my beautiful son, who I have to get healthy for so I can be around and be that obnoxious mom. It is for Fay, Derek and Ryan, so I can be there for them, so we can grow old and retire together. It is for my parents, who have seen me through a great deal and now are older, and I need to be around to help them.
As I sat there last night and into the wee hours of the morning, I cried, thankful for the people in my life and knowing, that no piece of chocolate cake, or double scoop of ice cream, would ever be worth not seeing my son grow up or growing old with my friends who are my family, too, or being here to make sure my parents have what they need as they always made sure we had what we needed.
Life after WLS isn't always going to be easy, I've already struggled several times with depression and "what the h*ll" have I done to myself, but then I BREATHE, and realize, it is what I've done to myself, that has got me where I am and it is what I have to do now, to keep me around longer.
Thank you for listening to a tired mom's ramblings, I think I'll take my own advice now and grab a hot shower.
HUGS and Happy New Year!
Connor is my son, he is two and half, and he is a miracle! All babies are, but you see I was 38, teaching in VA, and had been given no hope of ever having a child. I was teaching and my leg kept going to sleep when I was standing, so I went to my primary care physican, he told me that I had probably hurt my back and being a teacher and on my feet I wasn't giving myself time to heal. Give it time.... The next month, it was getting worse not better, so I went back, he referred me to a spine specialist. That appt took forever to get here, and he wanted an MRI. I went to have an MRI, which I am highly claustrophobic, and they had to knock me out. The next week, Fay, my best friend and I went for the results, he was so cold, he said, "your spine is fine but you have a mass in your uterine area you might want to have checked out." I nearly threw up, a mass. Luckily my OB was in the same hospital as that doctor, they worked me in the next day. Fay went with me again. She was there as the doctor poked and prodded and said, it was a large mass and it would have to come out. She sent me to ultrasound to see what was affected. The tech said, "Oh, my" and Fay stepped down, I'll never forget, "Its a baby!" A big baby.... He was 24 weeks when we found out I was pregnant. Fay was there, I lived with her and her husband, Derek and their son Ryan. They are as much as my family as my blood relatives. They saw me through the next few months and Fay was in the delivery room when Connor made his grand entrance!
I know this journey of weight loss and getting healthy is for me, but it is for them too, it is for Connor, my beautiful son, who I have to get healthy for so I can be around and be that obnoxious mom. It is for Fay, Derek and Ryan, so I can be there for them, so we can grow old and retire together. It is for my parents, who have seen me through a great deal and now are older, and I need to be around to help them.
As I sat there last night and into the wee hours of the morning, I cried, thankful for the people in my life and knowing, that no piece of chocolate cake, or double scoop of ice cream, would ever be worth not seeing my son grow up or growing old with my friends who are my family, too, or being here to make sure my parents have what they need as they always made sure we had what we needed.
Life after WLS isn't always going to be easy, I've already struggled several times with depression and "what the h*ll" have I done to myself, but then I BREATHE, and realize, it is what I've done to myself, that has got me where I am and it is what I have to do now, to keep me around longer.
Thank you for listening to a tired mom's ramblings, I think I'll take my own advice now and grab a hot shower.
HUGS and Happy New Year!
Well I hope you are happy, I cried my eyes out. You and I are so much alike. I could not have said it better. I've been down and out and could not have put it better. We are so blessed to have people to help us as single moms. Sounds like you have great friends and family. Tomorrow will be a better day. I will say a prayer for you. Talk soon? BIG HUG
Ronda S.
Ronda S.
Thanks for sharing your story. Like so many others on the boards, we all have our reasons. I have never heard anyone say they did this for purely selfish reasons, but they did it for the people who are in their lives. They did it for health reasons. They did it to enjoy life more. What ever the reason, it is something only you can do!
The story you told was reminiscent of my family's story! You are right, every child is a miracle! Some are just special.
With the attitude you have, you are well on your way to being a successful weight loss surgery patient. Keep it up girl, and as always, remember to...
Happy New Year!
Thanks for sharing your story. Like so many others on the boards, we all have our reasons. I have never heard anyone say they did this for purely selfish reasons, but they did it for the people who are in their lives. They did it for health reasons. They did it to enjoy life more. What ever the reason, it is something only you can do!
The story you told was reminiscent of my family's story! You are right, every child is a miracle! Some are just special.
With the attitude you have, you are well on your way to being a successful weight loss surgery patient. Keep it up girl, and as always, remember to...
Happy New Year!

Ah, that was lovely!
I knew someone who was about that far along when she found out she was pregnant, too. She had irregular periods, and her hubby was out of town on business, and she went to a new OB/Gyn for an infertility workup. Doc was examining her and felt a big old head in there, and he later told me "That was the quickest damn case of infertility I ever cleared up." That baby is 31, now. *sigh*
PS - they still keep you up at night after they grow up.
I knew someone who was about that far along when she found out she was pregnant, too. She had irregular periods, and her hubby was out of town on business, and she went to a new OB/Gyn for an infertility workup. Doc was examining her and felt a big old head in there, and he later told me "That was the quickest damn case of infertility I ever cleared up." That baby is 31, now. *sigh*
PS - they still keep you up at night after they grow up.
"It's so beautifully arranged on the plate - you know someone's fingers have been all over it. ~Julia Child"