I am so ashamed

I have not done this since my surgery and do not even know why I did it tonight

I was jus****ching TV and next thing ya know my plate was empty and my poor pouch was aching.

Well thank you all for letting me get this off my chest.
I've talked to several people who have admitted that they have cheated the system, or overate. I've done it myself. The big thing is that today is a new day, and we know what to do to correct it!
You are a success! Just look at where you came from and who you are now! Thats successful in my book.
Merry Christmas!
Santa Scott

Let's be honest. We as morbidly obese individuals had problems/issues with food. I mean, we sure didn't get overweight by drinking ice water all the time! Just as it did not take overnight to gain the weight, lose the weight, so it will not take overnight to suddenly NOT have issues with food anymore. It is a process.
I will be the first to admit, I WISH I could vomit. There are times when even ONE or TWO more bites of something make my stomach hurt really bad, crampy, and I pay for it a long time, maybe 30 minutes, maybe an hour. Honestly, I have never been able to make myself throw up... pre or post surgery. Though, I did throw up for 2 1/2 mos right after surgery only because I had a stricture.
Do I sometimes eat too much? Yes. Do I sometimes eat FORBIDDEN foods? YES. Do I consume sugar? YES. That might burst some bubbles, but guess what? That is life. There is no need covering it up or lying about it. Do I eat them all the time? No. Do I eat the entire package? No. They are more infrequent and in smaller quantities than they once were, but I am able to enjoy them guilt free.
And guess what? If anyone says they have not done the same, or will never do the same, then that is their conscience with God but I would be willing to bet if you take a poll, others would have to 'fess up.
Hon I say don't worry about it. You messed up, learned a lesson and TODAY IS A BRAND NEW DAY!
Best wishes to you, Kathy

Thanks again!
Key thought -- ok we indulged a little for an event but this isn't a lifestyle anymore.
Even more determined now to work on that next 20 pounds. Time to get serious...drink my water, limit my carbs and back to the gym.
Btw, you all look fabulous!