open on christmas
I don't blame you at all...have done the same thing myself. I owned and operated a pet sitting business for seven years and every one of those Christmases DH and i ate out for Christmas dinner. Happened that our kids were elsewhere and all we wanted to do was sit down and put our feet up for a few minutes before our next visits. Enjoy your dinner!
I remember when we were in the Military, and unable to go home for holidays. We would get together with other families and have a potluck dinner. It was always nice, because alot of the soldiers that weren't able to go home, had a place to go. Bless their hearts, it's the holidays and everyone needs to be with friends and family. God bless. you and yours 

Thanks Barb.
I usually do not have this problem but I just got here and in the 21 years we have been married I have not come accross such a poor support system from his unit.
So I have no problem going to a restraunt and eating he comes home in a couple months so it is ok. We will have out own Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner when he gets home.
I am actually pretty excited.
on 12/23/08 2:10 am
on 12/23/08 2:10 am
If all else fails, go to a hospital cafeteria. Seriously. I have PTO at the hospital where I work. Or did have PTO. I used it all up with post-op time off. I plan on working Christmas day. Most hospitals really try hard to have a special dinner on holidays. It's usually cheaper and less crowded than restaurants. It's just me & my husband and he usually comes in to have lunch with me.
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet