Informal Photos of Dinner Club

There comes a time in life when you find yourself asking your inner person two questions, the first question is "what did I accomplish today that made a positive impact and the second questions is, how did I contribute to make the world a better place today? When I asked myself those questions these were the answers that I had to be honest about and admit to myself. Number one, The only thing I accomplished today was I reacted in a not so positive way to a co-worker that got on my last nerve (not my next to last nerve but my "last nerve") As a matter of fact, I let this co-worker get the best of me so much that it cost me character points in my district managers eyes... (dang, how did I let myself react in such a negative way that is caused me to crumble under pressure?) All those months of paying my dues, earning my brownie points by eating humble pie and letting the bad guy win so that I could prove down the road that nice guys do finish first.... all those months of work gone, (up in a puff of smoke) all because I reacted to a co-worker in a negative way in the matter of about 1w0 seconds. Surely I am smarter than that..... Number two, I am sure that I did nothing to contribute to make the world a better place today but the people that I spent my evening with sure did. I can not begin to tell you how wonderful it was to spend an evening with people that care. Just by sitting next to them, seeing the smiles on their face as I glanced at them across the dinner table or watching their beautiful, well behaved children at the table made everything that happened today that was negative melt away. This is why support groups are imperative as far as I am concerned. I was able to spend the evening with people that understand me.... They understand my struggles... They "live on my street" so to speak... And I am a better person because of them....
As I do my silliness that is Truly Trina's style in my Informal Photos of the night, please note that in all seriousness you will not find a better group of folk.. you could search the world over looking, however, you won't find em.... I love U guys.....
This group highlights the best moments of 2008

Tooooooo Funny!!! Thanks for being there with us, it was soo good to see you. You are such a special person and these pics are more than words can say. I want to say that it was great having Erika join us and I hope we did not scare her off, for we are a little wild to be around. She left with a smile so I think we might see her again. Thank You to everyone who came, I speak for myself, We, me and my kids had so much fun and can't wait til New Years!! For those who missed it, well you MISSED IT!! Hope you'll come next time, allthough there won't be a dirty Santa and candy canes and presents. We will still have fun.
Merry Christmas Everyone,
Merry Christmas Everyone,
Trina, sweets, who is JOE??? I just love the captions, they are awesome. And I'm am sure if you lost your posture to a co-worker, then she/he might of needed some understand'n for the day. And it's alright to have moments , we are ladies not robots!!!!! And as for the rest of the crowd, we had so much fun, it was terriffic, and Ms. Billie so beautiful in Christmas attire, just wonderful to see her, as well. We finally caught up with my cousin at 8:00 p.m. but as I said he is my cousin, they lost 1 pc. of their luggage, which could have , his disertation,for one of the jobs his firm is applying for, computer, and a special gift for one of the family members. They wouldn't know for sure until they got to the house. I told them to let us know.LOL Sounds like they would fit right into our group HUMMMMM. Or should I say sounds like someone you may know???? HUMMM We got our tree, Brian had to cut 2 foot off so it would fit in the Liv'n room and look right. Now we have miss place a bunch of our ornatments , so I'm gonna have go look'n for them. I thank it's time for a cup of coffee, and kick of the shoes, sit right down. Hugs to all Luv