December Dinner Club
We had a great turn out, we had 11 people and 3 young ones. We had lost a total of 738lbs. It was great to see one of the newbies from the board, I hope that we didn't embarass you too much The Dirty Santa, was a hoot. I was the lucky one I drew the last number in the cup and it was #1. The moderator (phil) had to keep things going with the rules a couple of times. But all in all we all played pretty good. We had all sorts of ornaments and I think that everyone was real pleased with what they got. I know that Mr. Phil was, he got another Titan's ornament to add to his collection. Like at the OH Christmas party there was a couple that made it around the table 3 times before it found a home.
I want to thank everyone that joined us.
We also discussed our New Year's Eve plans. So be thinking about what you are doing then and make plans to join us. I will post all the details on Tuesday.............or if anyone that was there wants to post...go for it. The main thing is that we have another chance for all of us and more to be together again.
We do have pictures, but again it will be Tuesday before I get the chance to get them posted. In the meantime if someone else wants to post what they have again.......go for it.
Thanks again for everyone that was there.
We love you guy's & gal's,
We had a great turn out, we had 11 people and 3 young ones. We had lost a total of 738lbs. It was great to see one of the newbies from the board, I hope that we didn't embarass you too much The Dirty Santa, was a hoot. I was the lucky one I drew the last number in the cup and it was #1. The moderator (phil) had to keep things going with the rules a couple of times. But all in all we all played pretty good. We had all sorts of ornaments and I think that everyone was real pleased with what they got. I know that Mr. Phil was, he got another Titan's ornament to add to his collection. Like at the OH Christmas party there was a couple that made it around the table 3 times before it found a home.
I want to thank everyone that joined us.
We also discussed our New Year's Eve plans. So be thinking about what you are doing then and make plans to join us. I will post all the details on Tuesday.............or if anyone that was there wants to post...go for it. The main thing is that we have another chance for all of us and more to be together again.
We do have pictures, but again it will be Tuesday before I get the chance to get them posted. In the meantime if someone else wants to post what they have again.......go for it.
Thanks again for everyone that was there.
We love you guy's & gal's,
I also had a great time!!! Dirty Santa was a blast. Whoever brought the cross ornament and the small pillow that says "Dashing through the Dough" thanks. I made a comment last night that I should take it to work (I work at a bank in the Atm dept) and mom is letting me.
The group that showed was great and was happy to see a few different faces. Hopefully we didn't scare you away from other Dinner Club events. The waiter knows what he's getting into with our group and he's good about dishing back what is given.
Hopefully we have this many people in the future gatherings.
The group that showed was great and was happy to see a few different faces. Hopefully we didn't scare you away from other Dinner Club events. The waiter knows what he's getting into with our group and he's good about dishing back what is given.
Hopefully we have this many people in the future gatherings.
What a great time, I know the group is growing, and will continue to grow. Wow, next yr, there are couple of folks that I am ly'n and wait'n on. Hummm. I didn't strike this yr. but I will have more *****k next. As my friend Bama Bob says Baawwwww! By the way those guys are among the miss'n, hummm where did they go??? And Shelia, Beth, Melissa, and Freddie and the list goes on and on. Where is everyone!!!!! I just wanted you to know I love and miss ya'll 
Hug Comments Myspace Comments - Upload Photos Barb

Hug Comments Myspace Comments - Upload Photos Barb