December Dinner Club...Final call
It is almost here. The December Dinner Club is Saturday Dec. 20th @ 5:00 it is going to be at the Red Robin @ Providence in Mt. Juliet. It is open to everyone, anyone, surgery, or not, doesn't matter which doctor,hospital, procedure, young & old. It just plum don't matter.........LOL We would love to see some new faces. So come on out and join us you lurker' We are bringing wraped ornament's to play Dirty Santa, we are keeping this to a $5 limit. I will be having a little treat for everyone. I have SF ones and the other Please post and let me know how many will be coming and break it down as how many adults and how many kids. This is very informal, it would be kinda cool to see everyone in festive colors. There will be pictures made also. Come and help us make the last 2008 Dinner Club a huge one!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will also be talking about the Dinner Club's for 2009 as far as day's, times, places etc. so I would love to have alot of input on this.
We are trying to get everything in order, not sure yet if we are gonna make it. My cousin from NY is com'n in, we alway greet them at the Airport and have Dinner out with them, exchange gifts and share love and christmas cheer as a family. Then they go on up with my aunt and uncle to their home. It is something we've done for the past few yrs. and it has become a tradition. But if we get back soon enough from that we would surely enjoy the getting together of love ones.
Happy Holidays Glitters
Hugs to all Barb

Hugs to all Barb
I understand........don't like I so wish ya'll can make it, we are going to have sooooooo much fun. Pick them all up and bring them with us. I promise we will be on our best behavior......well that goes for me..with Phil that is a whole another Please.........Please try to come

We have a little something for ya'll & this is not a but hey if it works..............hehehe
Love ya'll

We have a little something for ya'll & this is not a but hey if it works..............hehehe
Love ya'll
on 12/19/08 12:29 pm
on 12/19/08 12:29 pm
Cheryl: Just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your work with this and I hope to join you in 2009. It just sounds like so much fun! I'm still too post-op yucky to be a wild party woman with y'all. Things are looking up, though, I actually made it to work all five days this week. WooHoo! TGIF never felt like this before.
Have fun everyone and hope to see you soon!
Have fun everyone and hope to see you soon!
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
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