Hi Everyone New to to Tennesse MB
I have been lurking around for a while but on the Lap Band Board until today I accidently found that there is a state MB so I am so excited to get to lurk around on the Tennessee MB . I am hoping to get alot of info here. I am in the process of getting all the required tests and paperwork required to take to the surgeon on the first visit. All I like is my weightloss paperwork and letter from Dr. I have had my sleep apnea test. All my bloodwork , my physcological evalution is scheduled. I am going to Vanderbilt and just by lurking around I can see that some of you as well have gone to Vanderbilt and I am just curious as to which surgeon you chose at Vanderbilt to do your surgery? Did you have Lap Band or another kind of weight loss surgery?
As far as Vanderbilt, I just had a Realize Band (like a lapband only wider) placed on 12/9. Dr. Richard's is my doctor and he is wonderful, but I don't think you can go wrong with anyone in the Vanderbilt clinic from what I have heard.
Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!
on 12/13/08 1:50 am
Welcome and best wishes on your journey (aka Mr Toads Wild Ride, as I like to call it)
"Our ultimate freedom is the right and power to decide how anybody or anything outside ourselves will affect us." Stephen Covey
Don't litter! Spay or neuter your pet
As far as Vanderbilt, I just had a Realize Band (like a lapband only wider) placed on 12/9. Dr. Richard's is my doctor and he is wonderful, but I don't think you can go wrong with anyone in the Vanderbilt clinic from what I have heard.
Good luck, and keep us posted on your progress!
Hi Amy
How did you do with your surgery? How did you feel after they woke you up ? Were you in a great deal of pain or not a lot of pain? How do you feel being 4 days out of surgery?

Merry Christmas!!!!!
on 12/13/08 5:09 am
I too am getting a band and my surgeon is Dr. Brandon Williams. He seems nice (met with him once so far) and from my reading about him, he appears to be a laprascopic whiz kid.
I have to lose just over 5 pounds and prod my primary care into writing my letter of medical necessity, then I'll be ready to submit to insurance and schedule. The nurse, Jennifer, thinks I will be able to get it done around late January or early February.
One thing that the woman who had the band surgery said was that she has so much energy now. I cannot wait to get to that point! Right now I have no energy at all and am ready to fall asleep!
Good luck with the process and I hope to see you around at the clinic!