OH TN Chrsitmas Party

Trina says All is fair in Love, War, and Dirty Santa.
Melissa says Sad stories pull at my heartstrings, but will not work with our upcoming family Dirty Santa. (Thanks Melissa for not taking the ornament.

You will have to be there next year to get the full meaning of these two statements.
We had a great time also. Great to see the good turn out. Good to see the new and old there. The dirty Santa was awesome as always, I should have taken notes for me to use next year. We for sure had some pro's there, but I think several of us were able to pick up on some of the tricks. All I know is that it was way cool to be #18, I almost got the pick of the litter so to say. I got the one that I wanted and the bag to go with it. I do have one question for Ms. Trina.....what was you doing about 2:30 or so this morning? Can you guess where is was going?hehehehe.(another one of those you had to be there moments)
I do have a question for anyone that was there or was not.Why in the heck can't we make darn sure that we get together like this more often, than just at Christmas? I know everyone is super busy with work, family, sports, etc. and we all do the Lunch Bunch and or Dinner Clubs when we can. I would like to see a get together like this through out the year, like maybe once every 3 months. We all have great ideas and as long as we work together, it can be done. Just a suggestion, what's your thoughts. Hope to hear/see lots of replies about this. I will be more than happy to oversea this, but I will need lot's of input. So just think about it and start pondering and we will see if we can get this going in 2009.
Love ya'll
I really wanted the santa bell- but what can I say. Watch out next year sad stories will not work with me.....
Food was tremedous and we had so much left. thanks to all for sharing with our ladies at church today.
Preacher Mike