Scott - SF Syrups?
I'm not Scott... but I AM the official OH product finder. LOL
You can often find the sugar free syrups at Marshall's, TJ Maxx, World Market has a great variety, Sam's (some local), and Publix, Walmart does sell the smaller bottles in plastic. Usually they are found near the coffee.
They range from 3.99 up to 6.99 a bottle. Always make sure they say SUGAR FREE because sometimes the labels are similar, very deceiving. They come in brands such as Davinci, Torani, Artistra.
Denise M.
on 12/12/08 6:36 am
on 12/12/08 6:36 am
Thank you Mel! I was just looking these things up online when I checked the forum to find your post!
I'm grateful for the location finder--I don't think I would have thought to look in the coffee aisle for them. Can't wait to hit Wal-mart to find the small bottles and to stock up on some Apple flavored Walmart version of Crystal Light. A woman at our support group meeting last night said that served warm is great when you have sinus drip! Who'd a thunk it? I can't wait to try it!
I'm grateful for the location finder--I don't think I would have thought to look in the coffee aisle for them. Can't wait to hit Wal-mart to find the small bottles and to stock up on some Apple flavored Walmart version of Crystal Light. A woman at our support group meeting last night said that served warm is great when you have sinus drip! Who'd a thunk it? I can't wait to try it!
Still not Scott, but you can also purchase them from Starbucks at any of the coffee shops $5.99-$6.99 this is the only place I can find SF Cinnamon I haven't been able to find the SF Gingerbread this year. Good Luck Bob
PS. Have a great time at the Christmas parties sorry I'm out of town till Christmas...
PS. Have a great time at the Christmas parties sorry I'm out of town till Christmas...
OH duh how did I forget to add Starbucks? I should have remembered that... I have cinnamon dolce, caramel in my kitchen right now... that's the first place I ever got em. Now see, that's why we all need to toss our "two cents" in like hot mama said! lol... cause a penny or two here and there adds up to a lot more...
You are probably thinking of whole Foods or Trader Joes. The closest one to Nashville is on Charlotte Pike.
Charlotte Pike Store
Hendersonville Store
Those are the only 2 in Nashville. I told MArilyn there was one in Cool Springs. Even I make mistakes!
Santa Scott
Charlotte Pike Store
Hendersonville Store
Those are the only 2 in Nashville. I told MArilyn there was one in Cool Springs. Even I make mistakes!
Santa Scott