No WLS til Febuary..
The whole thing is beyound my control. That is really the biggest problem. I would love to chew out whoever caused this to happen, but noone will tell me exactly who that is.
Thanks to all for your caring and support.
I want my place on the loosers bench!
You are right that I should use this oppertunity to my best advantage. It has been hard for me to get started and stick to it. I haven;t gained any, I have lost about 10 pounds since I started this, but that is not nearly enough.
Thanks for caring.
I know this sounds like terrible news, but it will be OK! Take this time as oppurtunity to work on those new lifestyle changes are going to start after surgery!
I have been there myself! At one point I wanted to go to my Docs office and give them a piecce of my mind, as well as a well placed foot! But the "nice Scott" prevailed and I did not end up in jail because of someone else's mistake! LOL!!!
Hang in there know what's coming....just wait for it...
You'll be OK!
Santa Scott

Cheryl, I've been watching your posts. It must have been terrible for you. I know that I have to keep my own situation in prespective. I am really trying to keep my chin up and turn this into a positive thing.
I am so confused about what to do. I guess If I have any chance of getting a cancellation spot prior to Feb. I should go on the pre op diet now. The only thing is that I am so stressed over this that all I can think of is FOOD. I guess this is the one time in my life when I can see my association with emotions and food. I have never believed that I had a problem with that until now.
I am STARVING most of the time now. I have managed not to gain any weight. If I go on the pre op diet now.can I sustain it until FEB if I have to wait that long? I'm not sure I can.
Thanks for the kind words.
Hang in there......believe me I know where you are coming from.....but the good thing is that you have the date so that is the POSITIVE thing that you can focus on.......try to just enjoy the holidays and look forward to feb. 9.........if there is anything I can do to help just yell.....or if u just need to yell, just yell (hahaha) sometimes it helps ..............