Life As I Know It...
Last night I got home from work, and pulled up into my drive way. As usual I was on the phone with someone, hoping to minister hope, and encouragement to an down and out soul. With limited minutes, I spend my time reinforcing Biblical teaching on how to obtain peace and reconsiliation with God. Drawing from years of training and education I continue on with my endeavors to do good with what I have been given. After 30 to 40 minutes of consoling, it finally hits me that all my works, education, training, and knowledge has been to no avail without a willing participant, and a moving of God. As this dawns on the horizon of my mind, my heart is flooded with a sense of longing. With all the love we show to others, it is growing increasingly obvious that the vunerability of love opens the door to rejection. You hope for the best for people, but they don't hope the best for themselves. Unfortunately, that is a painful thing to endure. With the close of the phone conversation, the person was unwilling to put forth the faith, effort, and change in attitude it required to see a significant change in their situation. The rejection that was made was not directed towards me, even though I was the one speaking, however it was directed at God. Ministry is a heart-wrenching way of life. Those of you that serve in this capacity already understand the fact of this matter. As I grow older, and gain more experience I am also coming to realization that the life as I know it as a minister is a life of sacrifice. Even though these lessons are learned, I find it to be the most wonderful, rewarding life that could ever be lived. The word "preacher" is simply not only a title, it is the definition of the life I live here on earth.
Thanks for reading...
Preacher Mike
There are times that we go out in this world and it seems that every word that we share falls on deaf ears ears. The commandment that Christ repeats is to love each other as we love ourselves. Christians don't realize that they share Christ each day and they don't have to say a word. If they live right, talk right, they shine the light of Christ. We are his light hose that is setting on a hill. We as individuals have to make the decision to clean the windows and let his light through.
Thank you, I ask this in His Name, Kathy

Matthew 6:33
Preacher Mike

Preacher Mike,
I understand how you are feeling. It is the same with non ministers who try to share their love, faith and spiritual knowledge with others. I don't have your skills and training but I do have a few years on you. What I would share is that you give yourself a break and don't take the rejection personally. Rejection can cause discouragement if you take it personally. All we can do, is share what we know and then do the hardest part. Remove ourselves and leave it completely in God's hands. You may never know what your efforts lead to. Sometimes we are only called to plant the first seed. The rest is up to God or maybe even to someone else who God will send into the person's pathway. You do your best and then take heart that you can trust God to handle the rest.