My one year surgiversary is in 21 days. I am 34 pounds from goal. I look around and many of my WLS friends were/are at goal before their first year was/is over. What have I done wrong? Does this foreshadow never getting to goal or weight regain in the future?

The only thing I can say is that we all came into this journey for different reasons, with different expectations, with different things that we were willing to sacrifice. For some, "GOAL" was the place we wanted to be and it didn't matter what it took to get there. I wanted to be there as fast as possible. So, I was very strict in my eating. I followed every letter of the law, plus more. I didn't allow myself protein bars, milk, sugar free products, high calorie foods because those things all cause people to stall.
The good thing is that wherever you are now, your pouch still works and you can still lose weight at any place in your journey. Even after 5 yrs, 7 yrs, a person can still lose weight and utilize their pouch for all that it will do for them.
The only suggestion that I can give is to perhaps take a closer look at your eating plan and see if there are things that you can do without. I don't want to make anyone upset or mad, but sugar free products is a very slippery does not mean fat, carb and definitely not calorie free.
Now stop that! We are all different. There are many things that effect weightloss. You know what? Each of us is a perfect creation...God doesn't make mistakes! I dare say that you have done a marvelous job in your journey thus far and will continue to keep going until you reach your goal. I still haven't reached my personal goal but as far as I can tell...I'm not dead yet and I feel fantastic!!!! I have enjoyed every single day since I decided to this! Every single morning I wake up happy and ready to face the new day with an energy that I thought was gone forever! Keep in mind that this is not a is life. Perhaps your journey is different from someone else's. Not better...not worse...just different. Enjoy the the day! Your goal is certainly within reach (as is mine...) but there is no prize for getting there first.

Ask yourself these questions:
1) How do you feel when you get up in the mornings?
2) How is your health these days?
3) What size clothes are you wearing?
Now, take that little thing we call a time machine and travel back to let's say November of 2007. Now, ask yourself the same 3 questions...
Which place are you better off? I would guess and say NOW! Like I said Marilyn, you have done fantastic! The worst thing you could do is compare yourself to anyone else. Geeze, I wouldn't like you as much if say you were...BOB! Bawahaaaaaa!!!
Give your self a round of applause, you deserve it!

Santa Scott

This is why I like this board--support and good friends! Thanx! I keep hearing the bariatric nurse from Gateway saying "If you haven't lost it in 9 months, or the latest one year, you won't lose it". I don't know why I put any credence in what she says, she also told me to stay away from OH. She hates it! I do try to stay to my plan, but the boredom at home is killing me! I WANT to go back to work!! I eat better when I am busy and lose far more easily when I can exercise. But, I have at least 2 1/2 months of being at home left. Again, thanx, friends!