This Spoke to Me
Last Christmas, I thought Tim was going to die for having to wear dress pants, shirt and tie on so many Christmas occasions... this year, we already have 4 Xmas events planned, not including family events whi*****ludes 3 more! I agree... I now have a CALENDAR. And I don't mean a calendar that you throw in your purse and don't see until 6 mos later, like it used to be. But now, I fill in the days and at times, don't have room in one box for that day's events. I used to never have anything on my calendar except it would have said:
#1 "go home; put on pajamas; watch tv; get on internet; go to bed"
#2 next day: get up, go to work, repeat #1
I have found out more about myself and am not afraid of stepping out and speaking up! Losing over 100 lbs has given me a new lease on life! EVeryday I'm thankful that God has given me this opportunity!
I too was thinking how much my wardrobe has changed. I was at Goodwill looking at shirts the other day, and saw those tshirt kind with a mock turtle neck. I remember wearing those and yet, there is not one single shirt in my closet like that now! LOL. Boy times have changed. I used to be so conservative. I would not wear a vneck to save my life. I wouldn't own a turtle neck either because my neck was too short and thick. But now, I wear vnecks and turtlenecks... Not at the same time, however! lol
When I was larger, I wore clothes that were too big for me. I wanted them loose because (a) I didnt want to look like I wore too tight of clothes as I was already big... didn't want to seem like the fat girl who couldn't find anything to fit her, and (b) I felt uncomfortable in wearing form fitting clothes. I didn't want to accentuate the bad places. Now, I feel more at ease in a form fitting outfit cause I actually have some curves, not bumps and hills and valleys!!
So many of the clothes I wore when I worked in Risk Management were so old and frumpy looking. I think if I still worked in that job, my wardrobe would be much different!