OK I shared my struggles the other day on Mirena and Lexapro causing weight gain. I stopped taking Lexapro last Friday. I started wellbutrin Monday.
I want you to know, it has taken my appetite away. I do not have that "obsession" that the lexapro caused making me want something to eat all the time. I have dropped five pounds since Monday, not only that, I got back down to the 120s. I broke through and weighed in at 129.8. And, it was easy. I didn't find myself struggling and beating myself up, and feeling like a failure.
PLEASE be aware of your body. Record your weight, record health events. They are very important. Talk to your doctor. Research your meds.
Thanks Susan. There is still that fear imbedded within that says "What if I gain it back?" And, while some may say "That's a terrible fear to live with." I would say that it does keep me honest, it does keep me in check and striving, pushing to do good.
I have come to realize, I used to think I knew what I was doing. I thought I would not gain it back. Now, I realize we are all the same. We all have struggles. And, some might not admit them. I have to admit mine. I have to talk about them. For otherwise, it keeps me in a prison to keep them shut up inside me and suffering in silence.