Needed: prayers, advice, thoughts, etc.
Ok, as some of you know I was put in the hospital in Sept. with an abcess on my colon. Turns out to be diverticulitis. Went back to Dr. McDowell last friday for a check up and to discuss surgery. He had already talked about doing surgery when I went for my first checkup. He's absolutely convinced that I need surgery to remove that part of the colon that is diseased. It's not an emergency(right now!) so I had planned to put it off til after the first of the year. He told me that it's not a matter of IF it recurs but WHEN! If I have another attack and he has to do emergency surgery, I will come home with a colostomy and no guarantees that it can be reversed later on. If I do surgery now while there isn't any infection in the colon then he can take out the bad part and reattach the colon right then. I've made up my mind to have the surgery. What I'm having trouble deciding on is whether to go on and have it done now or wait til the first of the year. I know that noboby can tell me what to do. It's up to me to decide but I would love to hear some thoughts from other people. If anyone else has been through this, let me know. I know the first thing I will hear is to get a second opinion. I love Dr. McDowell and I trust him. He will be the one doing the surgery with or w/out a second opinion.
I really just needed to share this with my OH family. Also, my condition has nothing to do with my WLS!
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you all soon.
Melissa (#3)
I really just needed to share this with my OH family. Also, my condition has nothing to do with my WLS!
Thanks for reading and I hope to hear from you all soon.
Melissa (#3)
Hi Melissa #3,
It is so good to see you....
As a rule for myself, I generally refrain from replying to a post that involves giving any medical advice or relating what I would or would not do in the situation... Cause I don't know squat..... Well I do know how to squat but that is the extent of my knowledge about squat.... LOL
Only because you said you were reaching out to your OH family, that alone makes me feel comfortable to engage in something that I know absolutely nothing about.
From what I understand Diverticulitis is very serious. They say that doctors aren't sure what causes it but that maybe a low fiber diet could be a key contributor. Without fiber to add bulk to the stool, the colon has to work harder than normal to push the stool forward. They then go further to say that the pressure from this may cause pouches to form in weak spots along the colon. Studies show that Diverticulitis happens when bacteria gets trapped in the pouches. This can lead to inflammation or infection.
I did read where people with mild symptoms are treated with rest, a liquid diet and antibiotics, whereas those with severe symptoms are hospitalized for treatment with IV antibiotics and sometimes surgery.
Since you were hospitalized in September for this, I really feel you fall in the later category... It is a tough call sweetie... and no one can really help you with it but you... I know you know that.... That is why you are using the forum as a sounding board just like I would if I were in your situation.... I know you will do what is best for Melissa.... We care about you!!!!!!!
It is so good to see you....
As a rule for myself, I generally refrain from replying to a post that involves giving any medical advice or relating what I would or would not do in the situation... Cause I don't know squat..... Well I do know how to squat but that is the extent of my knowledge about squat.... LOL
Only because you said you were reaching out to your OH family, that alone makes me feel comfortable to engage in something that I know absolutely nothing about.
From what I understand Diverticulitis is very serious. They say that doctors aren't sure what causes it but that maybe a low fiber diet could be a key contributor. Without fiber to add bulk to the stool, the colon has to work harder than normal to push the stool forward. They then go further to say that the pressure from this may cause pouches to form in weak spots along the colon. Studies show that Diverticulitis happens when bacteria gets trapped in the pouches. This can lead to inflammation or infection.
I did read where people with mild symptoms are treated with rest, a liquid diet and antibiotics, whereas those with severe symptoms are hospitalized for treatment with IV antibiotics and sometimes surgery.
Since you were hospitalized in September for this, I really feel you fall in the later category... It is a tough call sweetie... and no one can really help you with it but you... I know you know that.... That is why you are using the forum as a sounding board just like I would if I were in your situation.... I know you will do what is best for Melissa.... We care about you!!!!!!!
Sorry to hear that you are still having problems but first off you'll be in my thoughts and prayers......second I know that a second opinion would be a good option if you could get one relatively opinion would be to go ahead and have the surgery before it flares up again and unfortunately if it means before the end of the year then that's what I'd do......If there is anything that you need just send me a message and hang in there!!!
Thanks Trina and Wendy for the replies. It is such a hard decision. My husband thinks I should go ahead and get it scheduled as quick as I can. It's not going to be a walk in the park. The dr. said that he wouldn't be able to do it laparascopically because of the wls. That means a nice long incision from my belly button down. Which also means longer in the hospital and longer off work. I'm gonna tell him that since he's already cutting my belly open to go ahead and take all the loose skin that he can!! I WISH!!! LOL.
Anyway, about the fiber. I've been having to take some form of fiber for years. I've always had a problem with constipation. Since all of this started a few months ago, I take benefiber every morning with my 1st protein drink of the day. Most days I chew 1 or 2 fiber pills. I do 2 stool softeners every day and now I have to take Miralax everyday (drs orders!). I've also been seeing a gastroenterologist for all of this. He and Dr. McDowell both think I need this surgery.
Right now I'm scared to have it but I'm scared as hell to not have it.
To everyone else, I understand about not wanting to give any kind of medical advice. I'm just asking, as friends and family, for your thoughts. In the end I will do what is best for me but it doesn't hurt to hear what other people have to say.
I will let you know what I decide and when I'm going to have it done.
Thanks again,
Anyway, about the fiber. I've been having to take some form of fiber for years. I've always had a problem with constipation. Since all of this started a few months ago, I take benefiber every morning with my 1st protein drink of the day. Most days I chew 1 or 2 fiber pills. I do 2 stool softeners every day and now I have to take Miralax everyday (drs orders!). I've also been seeing a gastroenterologist for all of this. He and Dr. McDowell both think I need this surgery.
Right now I'm scared to have it but I'm scared as hell to not have it.
To everyone else, I understand about not wanting to give any kind of medical advice. I'm just asking, as friends and family, for your thoughts. In the end I will do what is best for me but it doesn't hurt to hear what other people have to say.
I will let you know what I decide and when I'm going to have it done.
Thanks again,
Yep, your husband sounds like mine.... Lets get this scheduled quick and be done with it so that we can move on... LOL..... They do love us dearly and they display this emotion the best way they know how.... It is not a fault I assure you....
Wow, not laproscopitly (SP?) because of the previous WLS???? Why????What exactly would prohibit this???
I have heard of others having some of their plastics done at this time... At this time meaning since you are undergoing the knife and all... But it seems like you would need time to get all those ducks in a row.....
Wow, not laproscopitly (SP?) because of the previous WLS???? Why????What exactly would prohibit this???
I have heard of others having some of their plastics done at this time... At this time meaning since you are undergoing the knife and all... But it seems like you would need time to get all those ducks in a row.....
I have a friend that had to have the surgery you are facing several years ago. Her doctor also told her she could wait or she could go ahead and have it. She chose to go ahead with it instead of waiting and she has been problem free ever since and thankful every day since having had it.
Now, on the other hand, my grandmother needed the surgery and decided to wait on it. She waited so long that when they finally did do the surgery, they found a lot more of her colon was diseased than they originally knew about and they wound up having to remove the majority of it and now she has a permanent colostomy bag.
Having said that, remember that everyone is completely different as are all situations. Dr. McDowell has always been up front and very straight forward with me regarding anything he and I have discussed and if he is telling you that you need the surgery and your gastroenterologist is telling you need the surgery, I would say go ahead and get it out of the way. If it were me, I would go ahead and get it done during the winter months so I would have time to recuperate and be ready to go for the spring and summer months so I could certainly be out playing in the better weather.
Keep us posted and just know that you are in my prayers as you make your decision. Take care and I look forward to hearing what you decide.
Wendy S.
I have a friend that had to have the surgery you are facing several years ago. Her doctor also told her she could wait or she could go ahead and have it. She chose to go ahead with it instead of waiting and she has been problem free ever since and thankful every day since having had it.
Now, on the other hand, my grandmother needed the surgery and decided to wait on it. She waited so long that when they finally did do the surgery, they found a lot more of her colon was diseased than they originally knew about and they wound up having to remove the majority of it and now she has a permanent colostomy bag.
Having said that, remember that everyone is completely different as are all situations. Dr. McDowell has always been up front and very straight forward with me regarding anything he and I have discussed and if he is telling you that you need the surgery and your gastroenterologist is telling you need the surgery, I would say go ahead and get it out of the way. If it were me, I would go ahead and get it done during the winter months so I would have time to recuperate and be ready to go for the spring and summer months so I could certainly be out playing in the better weather.
Keep us posted and just know that you are in my prayers as you make your decision. Take care and I look forward to hearing what you decide.
Wendy S.
Hi hon, I spent a week in the hospital in Lebanon, in 2001 for that, not fun at all, thank the good lord I've not had it since. But like you I've always had to take fiber of some sort or some kind of laxative, even before my surgery. I just hate to hear that your has gotten this bad. Your in my prayers sweetie. Like you said we can't make up your mind, I like you would be the bird on the fence.
MySpace Hugs Comments Barb

MySpace Hugs Comments Barb
Melissa #3,
I am so sorry you are having this trouble. I have taken care of patients both who waited and didn't. Don't wait. The ones that had it while infected had a horrible time with the least being the colostomy. Actually, some end up with a colostomy, almost always temporary, even when uninfected. I would hate to see you have to go through what some of my patients went through. You are in my prayers!
I am so sorry you are having this trouble. I have taken care of patients both who waited and didn't. Don't wait. The ones that had it while infected had a horrible time with the least being the colostomy. Actually, some end up with a colostomy, almost always temporary, even when uninfected. I would hate to see you have to go through what some of my patients went through. You are in my prayers!

Melissa, I don't have any personal experience with this. However I have a friend who had to have this surgery about 4 years ago. His doctor had actually advised him he needed the surgery nearly a year prior to the actual surgery, but he put it off. He had a much rougher time of recovery because of him delaying it almost too long. My advice is to do what the doctor says is best for you and your health. I don't understand why WLS would prevent him from doing laproscopic surgery for this, but I'm sure not a doctor.
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck!
Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck!