3 to 1 ?
When I had my surgery, I was given the following rule of thumb:
"Eat your protein first, then if you have room for anything else, go for it (green beans, etc...)." Then at a support group meeting one night I heard the ratio we should be following when loading our plates should be "80% protein, 20% other".
Now both of these rules are really good and steadfast ways, but sometimes my math challenged brain gets in the way. I find it hard to discern how much of this, and how much of that!
While watching my new favorites in the world of WLS Video's (Bariatric TV: Lynda and Toni !) I learned a whole new process!
When eating, don't worry about bringing out the calculator to figure percentages. Eat 3 bites of protein for every one bite of good carbs! WOW, how simple is that!
An example would be:
3 bites of chicken - 1 bite of green beans
3 bites of fish - 1 bite of broccoli
I think you get the idea! So the next time you sit down to dinner, remember the rules that your Doc or Nut has set forth:
small bites, chew, set the fork down between bites, and the new one 3 to 1!
Have a good day!
"Eat your protein first, then if you have room for anything else, go for it (green beans, etc...)." Then at a support group meeting one night I heard the ratio we should be following when loading our plates should be "80% protein, 20% other".
Now both of these rules are really good and steadfast ways, but sometimes my math challenged brain gets in the way. I find it hard to discern how much of this, and how much of that!
While watching my new favorites in the world of WLS Video's (Bariatric TV: Lynda and Toni !) I learned a whole new process!
When eating, don't worry about bringing out the calculator to figure percentages. Eat 3 bites of protein for every one bite of good carbs! WOW, how simple is that!
An example would be:
3 bites of chicken - 1 bite of green beans
3 bites of fish - 1 bite of broccoli
I think you get the idea! So the next time you sit down to dinner, remember the rules that your Doc or Nut has set forth:
small bites, chew, set the fork down between bites, and the new one 3 to 1!
Have a good day!

Have you ever noticed that when you go out to eat, restaurants bring non protein foods first? I never noticed until after my surgery. They come toting: bread, water, your other drink such as tea or coke, and then your salad, then the soup... last & final... protein & a moderate carb veggie.
We really aren't taught how to eat properly... "we" meaning society in general. They bring the food out in the wrong order, in my opinion. Now, if they brought a huge slab of meat and laid it down first, we could chew away on that until we felt full, and by the time we got salad and bread, probably say "Whew, I'm too full to eat. NO thanks."