One heck of a Saturday....kinda long
All I can say is that I hope that everyone else's Saturday was a heck of lot better than the Parker's.
We had to drive to Bowling Green to work the WKU and MTSU football game yesterday.
The day started off pretty darn good, we got up on time, and head for KY. There was no handicap parking for us, we had to park across and down the street from the stadium. We got us and the scooters out of the van and the side of the street that we had to park on had no sidewalks. We had to cross the street in the middle of the road and as we was crossing we noticed that there was no where for us to get up on the sidewalk once we got to that side. So we had to ride in the street going the same way as the traffic for about 2 blocks to find a ramp for us to get up on the sidewalk. Got on the sidewalk, well if you call it that, they were in awful shape, bummpy, rocky, just a mess. We was on that for about 1 block and found our entrance to the stadium. We go in and it is a very steep slick hill, we made it up and they tell us that our entrance had been changed and we had to go in on the other side of the stadium. Instead of us going all the way back out and down and around, we went accross the field in the end zone and down the other side of the field. So we get on that sidewalk, which by the way is in no better shape than the other one, we started up it and there was a tractor trailer with out the truck parked up on the side walk, again, no way for us to get off the side walk and go around. So we had to duck our heads and drive the scooter's up under the trailer, get past that, then there was steps to get down to our sign in place and get our gear. Phil managed to get off the scooter and down the steps to sign us in and get our jackets. Then off to the gate, here we go again...steps, so we get back out on the sidewalk and go about 1/2 block to ramps. I thought ok finally......those ramps were very steep and slick due to the rain, we made it up and then realized that we would have to go down the other side to get where we was suppose to be. We put the scooter's on the lowest speed they have and headed down. As soon as Phil started down, he almost feel out of his chair, luckly his fake leg stopped him. I done ok, it just took me awhile. Ok, so everyone knows how wonderful the weather was yesterday, it was misreable, we had hats, gloves, scarfs, ponchos, hand warmers, but dang it was still a mess. So the game was over and here we go on out journey to the van. We had to go the same way we came except for the field journey. When we got to the street to cross, we was able to get off the sidewalk ata ramp, but with all the rain it was flooded, there was no other way that we could get off, so we had to go thru the water. The water was coming up over the wheels on our scooters. We don't know yet if there is any damage or not.We get thru that and when we crossed the street again we had to ride in the street to get to where we parked. This time we had to ride heading into the traffic. We was as close as we could be to the edge. Of course there was more traffic this time with the game letting out and all. I was in front trying to motion the cars to get over, I had my light on waving my arms hollaring, everything I could to get people to move over
...and yes I probably said a few words, that wasn't very nice. At times some of the cars were so close I actually was touching them.
So we finally get to the lot, I get my scooter in and Phil is still working with his. He get's it almost in and it falls off the ramp, he get's it on there again and get's it in the van, then the ramp slips and falls on the ground and so does Phil. He is ok, just a little sore this morning. Now on the way home, of course we both are ill, cold, pissed, you name it and the fan blower officially goes out. It has been slowly going out, but of course it picks this day to do it. So we are trying to get home by wiping the window because it is fogging up. My window is fogging up and I try to roll it down to clean it off and my window will not roll down, I guess the switch has gone out on it.
We are still trying to get over yesterday's ordeal's. We are planning on talking with our company and let them know what happen. They knew that we was working and they should have figured out a way for us to get there with out going thru all of this. We are not sure if we are going to contact WKU about the situation or not. I mean our company should have gotten with them and worked with them on this. But never the less that stadium is NOT very ADA friendly by no means.
I hope everyone had a better day than we did. Oh and if anyone knows how to replace a fan blower on a mini van, please let me know. We allready have the part we just need someone to replace it for us.
Today, we are just hanging out, fixing chili or something warm and watch the Titan's go 10 & 0.
Sorry for this being so long, I just needed to vent.
We had to drive to Bowling Green to work the WKU and MTSU football game yesterday.
The day started off pretty darn good, we got up on time, and head for KY. There was no handicap parking for us, we had to park across and down the street from the stadium. We got us and the scooters out of the van and the side of the street that we had to park on had no sidewalks. We had to cross the street in the middle of the road and as we was crossing we noticed that there was no where for us to get up on the sidewalk once we got to that side. So we had to ride in the street going the same way as the traffic for about 2 blocks to find a ramp for us to get up on the sidewalk. Got on the sidewalk, well if you call it that, they were in awful shape, bummpy, rocky, just a mess. We was on that for about 1 block and found our entrance to the stadium. We go in and it is a very steep slick hill, we made it up and they tell us that our entrance had been changed and we had to go in on the other side of the stadium. Instead of us going all the way back out and down and around, we went accross the field in the end zone and down the other side of the field. So we get on that sidewalk, which by the way is in no better shape than the other one, we started up it and there was a tractor trailer with out the truck parked up on the side walk, again, no way for us to get off the side walk and go around. So we had to duck our heads and drive the scooter's up under the trailer, get past that, then there was steps to get down to our sign in place and get our gear. Phil managed to get off the scooter and down the steps to sign us in and get our jackets. Then off to the gate, here we go again...steps, so we get back out on the sidewalk and go about 1/2 block to ramps. I thought ok finally......those ramps were very steep and slick due to the rain, we made it up and then realized that we would have to go down the other side to get where we was suppose to be. We put the scooter's on the lowest speed they have and headed down. As soon as Phil started down, he almost feel out of his chair, luckly his fake leg stopped him. I done ok, it just took me awhile. Ok, so everyone knows how wonderful the weather was yesterday, it was misreable, we had hats, gloves, scarfs, ponchos, hand warmers, but dang it was still a mess. So the game was over and here we go on out journey to the van. We had to go the same way we came except for the field journey. When we got to the street to cross, we was able to get off the sidewalk ata ramp, but with all the rain it was flooded, there was no other way that we could get off, so we had to go thru the water. The water was coming up over the wheels on our scooters. We don't know yet if there is any damage or not.We get thru that and when we crossed the street again we had to ride in the street to get to where we parked. This time we had to ride heading into the traffic. We was as close as we could be to the edge. Of course there was more traffic this time with the game letting out and all. I was in front trying to motion the cars to get over, I had my light on waving my arms hollaring, everything I could to get people to move over

We are still trying to get over yesterday's ordeal's. We are planning on talking with our company and let them know what happen. They knew that we was working and they should have figured out a way for us to get there with out going thru all of this. We are not sure if we are going to contact WKU about the situation or not. I mean our company should have gotten with them and worked with them on this. But never the less that stadium is NOT very ADA friendly by no means.
I hope everyone had a better day than we did. Oh and if anyone knows how to replace a fan blower on a mini van, please let me know. We allready have the part we just need someone to replace it for us.
Today, we are just hanging out, fixing chili or something warm and watch the Titan's go 10 & 0.
Sorry for this being so long, I just needed to vent.