Pre-op Question
I am having trouble with loosing weight pre-op. I can see that every up and down drives me to my old friend....FOOD. I know it is going to happen, but I can't seem to stop it. I get up each day and say...."OK this is the day to do better" and each day by the end of the day I have made at least one bad choice.
Any suggestions other that a labotamy?
I really want this. I feel like I am addicted to crack is bread, pasta and carbs in general.
cathy,you re right, it is an addiction-one we all share. for me, boredom is my enemy. when i am bored, i graze. that is why being able to drive again is so important to me-i can get out and do some things. there is a book "it ain't over til the thin lady sings". it is written by an addictions couselor who had wls. it is almost a workbook. i wish i had known about it pre op. she really helped me see WHY i was addicted. anyway, there is a lot in there for pre ops. i got it off i hope this helps.
And here I was going to ask you if you wanted to get together for lunch at El Nopal's.
I know how hard it can be but why not take one step at a time instead of one giant leap? One thing I did before I got the band was give up one food that I knew was a big no-no. That was french fries. At first I though I would die
without them. Everybody always asked, Do you want fries with that? NOOOO. Are you sure? Yessss. And after a while I realized I could live without them. Then I went to ice cream. Not such a big success as fries but I did ok after I stayed away from Sonic.
So take it one step at a time and see how it goes.