The Tennessee Board
The Tn board has been a integral part of my WLS, to be very honest I don't know how successful I would be without it.
In the beganing I had no clue on what WLS was really about.
Once here I started to read everything I came across Scott's blog and thought I found a great guy that reflected everything I was dealing with.
It's funny how much most of us are a like going through this journey.
I introduced myself to the board and felt immediately excepted.
I started asking questions and getting great advice.
Trina taught me how to navigate the insurance and stay on top of it. Mel educated me in a lot of different protein supplements.
Scott helped me with setting up my computer.
BamaBob well extended unconditional friendship and support.
Trina, Scott and Bama came to the hospital during my recovery from WLS to extend support still means more to me then they will ever know.
OK your saying this is interesting but whats your point???
Well as much as I've gotten out of this board I want others starting the journey to receive the real blessing of this board the vast amount of knowledge Susan, Mel., Melissa's, Jane-O, Bamabob, Scott, Beth, Susan, Mike, Shelia, Sherry and so many others have to offer.
I'm encouraging each of us to try and get this board back to the quality, thought provoking board it has been.
Come up with subjects that can help other starting the journey sometimes the best way to learn is to teach.
Chew on it, think about it and lets all try to make the effort to help each other.
I know I've been blessed by the knowledge and friendship each of you have given me.
Thanks and C'ya Bob
In the beganing I had no clue on what WLS was really about.
Once here I started to read everything I came across Scott's blog and thought I found a great guy that reflected everything I was dealing with.
It's funny how much most of us are a like going through this journey.
I introduced myself to the board and felt immediately excepted.
I started asking questions and getting great advice.
Trina taught me how to navigate the insurance and stay on top of it. Mel educated me in a lot of different protein supplements.
Scott helped me with setting up my computer.
BamaBob well extended unconditional friendship and support.
Trina, Scott and Bama came to the hospital during my recovery from WLS to extend support still means more to me then they will ever know.
OK your saying this is interesting but whats your point???
Well as much as I've gotten out of this board I want others starting the journey to receive the real blessing of this board the vast amount of knowledge Susan, Mel., Melissa's, Jane-O, Bamabob, Scott, Beth, Susan, Mike, Shelia, Sherry and so many others have to offer.
I'm encouraging each of us to try and get this board back to the quality, thought provoking board it has been.
Come up with subjects that can help other starting the journey sometimes the best way to learn is to teach.
Chew on it, think about it and lets all try to make the effort to help each other.
I know I've been blessed by the knowledge and friendship each of you have given me.
Thanks and C'ya Bob
Morning Bob!
I understand where you are coming from. I think we do offer the support you are talking about. Personally I believe it's the evolution of a message board that you are witnessing.
When I started this journey, it was through my wife and watching the support and answers she received here. There were several people on here that answered her questions, then answered the same questions again when I asked. Where are they now is the question I ask? I have 124 friends listed on my profile. Only 18 of them made a post last week.
I feel that as we lose weight, our lives take on a whole new meaning. I can speak for myself personally and that's all. I don't sit on couch, watching TV, eating bon bons no more. I am up and active! I'm taking pictures, I'm spending quality time with my son and wife. Basically I'm on the go all the time.
Now my point on "the evolution of the board" is this. As we progress through our journey, our lives change. Does that mean I am not supportive as I once It means I don't spend as much time here on the boards.
I am actually active on several different on-line support groups. It is a phenomena that happens on a regular basis. I feel you are right though. We need to be as supportive as possible.
The question comes to mind, "Where will you be in 1 year , 5 years, or 10 years?" Who knows! Let's make what time we have, supportive, productive and encouraging!
I don't think the board has changed, I just think it has evolved!
I understand where you are coming from. I think we do offer the support you are talking about. Personally I believe it's the evolution of a message board that you are witnessing.
When I started this journey, it was through my wife and watching the support and answers she received here. There were several people on here that answered her questions, then answered the same questions again when I asked. Where are they now is the question I ask? I have 124 friends listed on my profile. Only 18 of them made a post last week.
I feel that as we lose weight, our lives take on a whole new meaning. I can speak for myself personally and that's all. I don't sit on couch, watching TV, eating bon bons no more. I am up and active! I'm taking pictures, I'm spending quality time with my son and wife. Basically I'm on the go all the time.
Now my point on "the evolution of the board" is this. As we progress through our journey, our lives change. Does that mean I am not supportive as I once It means I don't spend as much time here on the boards.
I am actually active on several different on-line support groups. It is a phenomena that happens on a regular basis. I feel you are right though. We need to be as supportive as possible.
The question comes to mind, "Where will you be in 1 year , 5 years, or 10 years?" Who knows! Let's make what time we have, supportive, productive and encouraging!
I don't think the board has changed, I just think it has evolved!

Same here Bob! This board and the Men's Forum is where I got my info pre-op. They are my only REAL support groups now as I don't attend any groups here locally. When I first started researchiong WLS, the these 2 boards welcomed me, answered all of my questions, of which I am sure they had done several times for others before me, and made me feel as though I belonged and was a part of their group.
Triana, Barb, and you and Deb visited me when I had my surgery, which was appreciated more than ya'll can ever know. Others sent PM's encouraging me and letting me know they were there for me. Even though I haven't met most of the "regulars" here, I feel they are my friends. We all have a common bond in that either we have already had WLS and are at various points in our journeys, or are pre-op and are researching, asking questions, and trying to prepare fot their surgery and life after WLS..
I know we are all busy with our daily lives, work, family, exercise, etc. - but I want to repay the kindness, knowledge and support that I have received from all of the folks here. And yes, like Scott said, as we progress along our individual journies, our lives do change. We become more active and the time we can spend here often is reduced. However, I just hope we don't ever forget how important this board was to us and that we will still be there for the newies as well as for each other.
You folks rock!
Good post Bob!
Triana, Barb, and you and Deb visited me when I had my surgery, which was appreciated more than ya'll can ever know. Others sent PM's encouraging me and letting me know they were there for me. Even though I haven't met most of the "regulars" here, I feel they are my friends. We all have a common bond in that either we have already had WLS and are at various points in our journeys, or are pre-op and are researching, asking questions, and trying to prepare fot their surgery and life after WLS..
I know we are all busy with our daily lives, work, family, exercise, etc. - but I want to repay the kindness, knowledge and support that I have received from all of the folks here. And yes, like Scott said, as we progress along our individual journies, our lives do change. We become more active and the time we can spend here often is reduced. However, I just hope we don't ever forget how important this board was to us and that we will still be there for the newies as well as for each other.
You folks rock!

Good post Bob!