West Tennessee - Come out of the Shadows
For days now I have been wondering why there are so few posts on the board. It occured to me that If I'm just "lurking" and not posting then there are probably a lot more folks out there that are just a llittle timid also.
We had a support group meeting at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis on Thursday night and we always give out the OH e-mail address for support heip. There were many there who said that they looked at the board regularly.
Let's start talking publicly, so that the new folks won't feel so alone. I'm just trying to get some activity started in West Tennessee. It looks like the middle part of the State is fairly active.
I have had some problems lately getting my WLS surgery scheduled again , but I am trying to turn a negitive into a big POSITIVE and help someone else along the way. I'm not as well versed as some of you, but I'm willing to share what I have learned and learn more from the ones of you who are veterans. I'm just trying to get some more conversation going.
Shelby, Fayette, Tipton, Dyer, Haywood, Madison and other West TN Counties.....WHERE ARE YOU.....COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS! .How are you doing? What do you need? ROLL CALL PLEASE
We had a support group meeting at St. Francis Hospital in Memphis on Thursday night and we always give out the OH e-mail address for support heip. There were many there who said that they looked at the board regularly.
Let's start talking publicly, so that the new folks won't feel so alone. I'm just trying to get some activity started in West Tennessee. It looks like the middle part of the State is fairly active.
I have had some problems lately getting my WLS surgery scheduled again , but I am trying to turn a negitive into a big POSITIVE and help someone else along the way. I'm not as well versed as some of you, but I'm willing to share what I have learned and learn more from the ones of you who are veterans. I'm just trying to get some more conversation going.
Shelby, Fayette, Tipton, Dyer, Haywood, Madison and other West TN Counties.....WHERE ARE YOU.....COME OUT OF THE SHADOWS! .How are you doing? What do you need? ROLL CALL PLEASE
Thanks Scott. I;m not trying to leave anyone out, but three were so many folks at our last meeting but noone posting on the boards. I am rrying to bring everyone out of the woodwork so that we can make our regional support group stronger.
You all seem to have a great group in your area.
You are right.....We are ALL Tennesseans! Isn't this a great state? I am proud to be from here.
Here I am!!
It's MEEE! Somerville checking in. We do need to hear from all that are out there in West TN. Let's get our act together and show middle TN. that we can show our support for each other. Let's talk, let's chat, let's hang out.
We can have different WLS but we can connect. What do you need? A good swift keep in the butt? I'm ready to join CathyTeal in getting a West TN group started. There were a lot of folks at the support meeting on Thursday so let's here from you. Stop being a lurker
and give us a shout and say Hello. 

Hi Ya'll. Hey Cathy, I was at the meeting sitting a few chairs down from you, I was really tired from working all day. 
You deserve a great big hug and I have good vibes that the stuff going on with your insurance company and the office will work out soon and you will be on your way.
I would love to see a group get started around here, one that can meet on the weekends would be
Hopefully there will be more of us coming out of the woodworks....they might not know how to find the TN board just yet.
If I remember I might try and type of a general website info sheet to pass out at the meetings...

You deserve a great big hug and I have good vibes that the stuff going on with your insurance company and the office will work out soon and you will be on your way.

I would love to see a group get started around here, one that can meet on the weekends would be

Hopefully there will be more of us coming out of the woodworks....they might not know how to find the TN board just yet.
If I remember I might try and type of a general website info sheet to pass out at the meetings...
Cathlena - 39, 4'11" Start - 210 3/31/09 BMI Start: 42.4

Thanks for coming out of the woodwork! I hope we can get ourselves more active on the boards too. The main thing is to put our problems questions and achievements out there on the board so that others can be inspired and helped by those of us who are in the early or late stages of thie journey.
Thanks for your offer to make some handouts. Thats a great idea!
Thanks for your offer to make some handouts. Thats a great idea!
Ok, to put up the little guys doing all of the cute stuff. When you go to reply look up to the top where the happy face and the spell check is. Hit the smiley guy and the smiley page will pop up. Select the one you want and it will appear where you curser is sitting. That's it. Got home alright that night. Was worried about your friend, she almost missed the stop sign at 194 and ended up in the wrong lane with a car coming at her. But she got out of the way in time. Whew!! That was close.