Heck of a roller coaster ride today.
I'm sure that some of you allready know, that Phil's surgery was not a go. We got there and his Potasium(sp) was way to high to do surgery, if it had not been caught, there could have been some major complications. At first they didn't know what the problem was, first maybe his heart, then his kidney's, they just didn't know. They called in a specialist and determined that he has been taking too much BP meds. At first they was going to try to get the number's down and may try to do surgery later this afternoon. Then they were going to admit him and try to get the numbers down and do the surgery tomorrow. Then they decided to just send us home and the surgery will be re-scheduled when the blood work is better and when Dr. Morton has something available. I got upset when they was kinda shaking thier heads, not really knowing what was going on. We are both bummed for sure, but we know what they done was the best for him. Thanks for all the call's and emails checking up on us. I want to send out a special thank you to Paula, she was there when I was upset. Thanks for the hugs, they meant so much to me. Thanks for cheering us up. We will keep everyone posted on his next date.
Phil & Cheryl,
I just checked in the board and read your posts. I am so sorry that this happened, but fortunately they were able to catch it before somethng went awry. I hope they are able to get the blood pressure problems down quickly and that the surgery can be done soon... hang in there... Phil your time will come very soon... take care.
Cheryl and Phil,
i know you are disappointed by today's outcome, but high potassium is nothing to ignore. they did the best thing by sending you home. it is not worth permanent heart damage or worse. your day is coming. try to be thankful you have such a good medical team looking after you and know when the time is right, it will happen for you!
i know you are disappointed by today's outcome, but high potassium is nothing to ignore. they did the best thing by sending you home. it is not worth permanent heart damage or worse. your day is coming. try to be thankful you have such a good medical team looking after you and know when the time is right, it will happen for you!

Cheryl and Phil - thoughts and prayers are with you as you go through this frustrating time. Keep remembering that God's timing is always perfect! I know the pain of waiting for surgery. I also had a test that came back wrong and had to delay my surgery for 6 weeks. I will admit that it was the longest 6 weeks of my life, but I am so grateful that the problem was found and corrected before the surgeon went to digging around in my body. Hang in there!
Cheryl and Phil,
I know you both are disappointed but it was for the best. They didn't want to risk Phil's health anymore by doing the surgery. Phil, you'll get your day and when you do we'll all be waiting for you on the loser's bench. Already got a spot with your name on it. Get better soon and keep us posted.
I know you both are disappointed but it was for the best. They didn't want to risk Phil's health anymore by doing the surgery. Phil, you'll get your day and when you do we'll all be waiting for you on the loser's bench. Already got a spot with your name on it. Get better soon and keep us posted.