A Call To Put Out The Fires.
Hello friends,
In the past few days I have noticed an increasing number of posts on our Tennessee board that contain a lot of fighting and bickering. I have read curse words on these posts, and I have witnessed folks' "opinions" cause hurt feelings, and contention. Now, while I am not directing this post to any one person, it is my plea to all people to please stop flaming on our Tennessee board.
I certainly believe the "Golden Rule" applies in here, as it does in everyday life. Please, let's put out the fires, and concentrate on improving the lifes of others. It is our job to build people up, not tear people down.
In love,
Preacher Mike
In the past few days I have noticed an increasing number of posts on our Tennessee board that contain a lot of fighting and bickering. I have read curse words on these posts, and I have witnessed folks' "opinions" cause hurt feelings, and contention. Now, while I am not directing this post to any one person, it is my plea to all people to please stop flaming on our Tennessee board.
I certainly believe the "Golden Rule" applies in here, as it does in everyday life. Please, let's put out the fires, and concentrate on improving the lifes of others. It is our job to build people up, not tear people down.
In love,
Preacher Mike
My suggestion to you is also to wake up & drink your sweet tea, & listen up. It is your very own Tina that is the troublemaker. If she wasn't on here running down the people of R&R, we wouldn't be over here defending ourselves. I suggest you shut her up if you don't like visitors. She made offensive remarks the other night about Obama's election, & today she starts all over once again. She is well aware she is starting trouble, so preacher, start your work here on your own board, before you blame anyone else.
Thank you for your post Nurse Rachett. I appreciate your offense, and I am sorry that your offense has caused you to feel you must defend yourself. I am taking your advice, as my post was for our TN board family. Honestly, I don't mind visitors at all. I pray you will forgive, and let bygones be bygones. I am certainly not placing blame, just trying to restore and refresh.
Preacher Mike
Preacher Mike
On November 8, 2008 at 8:01 PM Pacific Time, preachermike wrote:
Thank you for your post Nurse Rachett. I appreciate your offense, and I am sorry that your offense has caused you to feel you must defend yourself. I am taking your advice, as my post was for our TN board family. Honestly, I don't mind visitors at all. I pray you will forgive, and let bygones be bygones. I am certainly not placing blame, just trying to restore and refresh. Preacher Mike
PreacherMike, you show class, something I try not to have. However, if my Elephant picture offends you, I will remove it for you. Just trying to help put out the fire. :)
Yes, my REAL name IS, Guy 

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On November 8, 2008 at 7:52 PM Pacific Time, Nurse Rachett wrote:
My suggestion to you is also to wake up & drink your sweet tea, & listen up. It is your very own Tina that is the troublemaker. If she wasn't on here running down the people of R&R, we wouldn't be over here defending ourselves. I suggest you shut her up if you don't like visitors. She made offensive remarks the other night about Obama's election, & today she starts all over once again. She is well aware she is starting trouble, so preacher, start your work here on your own board, before you blame anyone else.as a person who had WLS this statement cant be more far from the truth. Out of all the comments everyone has stated this kinda bugs me LOL. I seen it twice from you. Is it southerners who drink sweet tea only? I admit I was a die hard sweet tea drinker PRE WLS. DO you know how much sugar goes in a pitcher of tea? The dumping would never stop! Anyway....For the record I'm a Christian woman with a husband and 2 great kids. I have a 19 year old son who just announced his call to preach OCT 1ST. Do you know how hard it is to be a 19 year old this day and age? I cant be more proud of him and the maturity he has. I know this wasnt really the subject of this post and I'm not saying all this to you Nurse but just used this post to say what I wanted to say. I am not in anyway judging any of you because its not my place to. I have my beliefs and thats what they are... mine. I cant change anyone all I can do is tell you what I believe. I wont make fun of you just please dont call me out for being a God Fearing Christian Woman. Thanks.