Pics from Dinner Club
I've had some people say that they can't see the pics. I'm sorry, I wish I knew what to do. I had to set my profile to private due to some very hateful/abusive pms being recieved. I set my profile to where friends could see my profile but even people on my friends list can't see them. I can email it to someone if that would work. Sorry.

On November 9, 2008 at 5:04 PM Pacific Time, rjsmom wrote:
I have reported you to the moderator. We do not use nor condone that kind of language on the Tennessee board. Please go back to your own state and use that language.Thank you and have Blessed day!
May YOUR day be equally blessed.

Yes, my REAL name IS, Guy 

Add me on myspace and facebook: http://www.facebook/guynix

Add me on myspace and facebook: http://www.facebook/guynix
Hey hon, where did they go, I can't see noth'n??? I know come back later? It's alright, I been hav'n that kind of day everyday lately. I miss ya sweetie, can't wait to see ya, and give ya alot of info on the flip side, of go'n on. Wow things are busy and go'n fast, and you gotta fill me in. too, hon. Can't wait til the next one. 
