Surgery Delay - Memphis
I have tried to keep an open mind and hoped that I would recover before my mother's cancer spreds so that I could be here for her when she will need me the most she has ever needed me in her lifetime.
Yesterday my Dr's office called me on my cell phone while I was on my way to get my mother's CT scan at that cancer Dr. They are going to have to reschedule my surgery until Feb. because my Dr. is leaving the group that she is currently in to go on her own at the same hospital and she is not part of the prefered providers for my insurance. (United Health Care). The hospital administrator told them to reschedule the surgery until they could get this worked out.
My insurance approval expires on December 31st. They no answer as to how we would fix this little problem.
Needless to say......I freaked out. I puledl over to the side of the road and cried like a baby. This is almost too much!. I had to pull myself together for my mothers sake and for mine.
In addition to everything else, I feel so much like a number not a person. Do these folks even have a clue that we have lives and can not turn on a dime to arrange for caregivers and have spouses and children schedule vacation time to be with is My husband has had to practicly fight to get the week of Dec. 22n/d off. ( He is in Emergency Services). How embarassing will it be for him to go back to say "never mind" I really didn't need it. They pretty much have you by the B**S so to speak.
Has this happened to anyone else out there? I am at my wits end. I really could use some support right now.
She called the Doc's office at Vanderbilt. After a week, they called and told her she could change Docs. I hope I remember this correctly! So, maybe you can change Docs and still get it done before the first of the year!
Prayers being sent up!
Oh my goodness, Cathy! I am so sorry to hear about this. I haven't even had my appointment with Dr. Weaver yet. My appointment is Wednesday so I guess I'll find out my status then. I remember hearing that they were having some issues with several of the insurance companies due to Dr. Weaver's change, but I figured it was something they could get corrected quickly. This is just awful. I really hope something positive happens for you!! I know you need it!!!
I am so sorry to hear about all of your struggles. You and your mother will definitely be in our prayers.
Can you get another doctor in that group or hospital who will take you and your insurance? It is certainly worth a try... Or, I would defintely try to get hold of the administrator or something and tell them your insurance expires/changes and you will no longer be able to get your surgery if they postpone.......... I think I would knock on any and every door possible!
Hang in there! Don't give up....
I really like Dr. Weaver. I could wait even though it is tough. It is the progression of my mother's problem that is what is worring me the most. I am the only child and I can't even imagine having to have her in treatment or in the hospital at the same time as my surgery. Noone knows how fast this will spread. It may be ok, but the longer I wait, the worse off my odds are.
I don't want to sound so negitive, but I am a realist and I know what is coming. I just hoped I could time this so that I could heal before it hit me.
Thanks for caring. It really means alot.
Believe me...I'll be on the phone 1st thing Monday morning. You might hear the explosion in Nashville. By the way...Good luck on your new house.
I am sorry to hear that this is happening to you. I know you have really struggled and been hit with more than your fair share of things. I don't know why in life it seems things come easier for some than for others. Well, maybe that is exactly what it is.... just an illusion..
What I do know is that you can not give up. You gotta get on the phone today and explain the situation to them just as you have explained it to us. Explain that your surgery date has been set up for quite some time and that it is not negotiable.
Cathy, you will have to try to pull it together once again and I have all the faith and confidence in the world in you.... I will anxiously be waiting to hear from you today on how things went.
Most of us, swimming against the tides of trouble the world knows nothing about, need only a bit of encouragement, and we will make our goal.......Robert Collier ...
Cathy you can do this hun......
Work like you don't need the money......