Offensive behavior on the boards...REPORT!
I know we had a big can of worms opened the other day, and its fine...but there has been a lot, A LOT of name calling, and offensive tones being taken. PLEASE, let's do ourselves a favor and report these people. I will tolerate a lot of things, but being called ignorant, bigot, and told to "choke on our own stupidity..." Well, it's uncalled for. It has no place on our board. Thanks. I'm getting off my bigotted soapbox now, and going to choke on my stupidity.
I know I said I would not post here again but I just wanted to thank you for speaking up. I think they should completely do away with that rant board. I started to fall into their silly behavior all day today. I caught myself and discontinued talking with them.
The fowl language and the critical behavior is not why I came to the OH boards I shall indeed stay away from that place from now on.
I originally came here for the kind hearted and loving and christian folks who are on here(TN Board). I am not now or ever going to let anyone else bring the worst out in me again.
I am sorry for the mean hateful things I have said and will try not to ever do it again.
I just feel all the hate that we have endured as heavy people name calling and hateful words should be the last thing we do to each other.
So with that said SMOOCHES y'all
I Hope my dear friends forgive me.
The fowl language and the critical behavior is not why I came to the OH boards I shall indeed stay away from that place from now on.
I originally came here for the kind hearted and loving and christian folks who are on here(TN Board). I am not now or ever going to let anyone else bring the worst out in me again.
I am sorry for the mean hateful things I have said and will try not to ever do it again.
I just feel all the hate that we have endured as heavy people name calling and hateful words should be the last thing we do to each other.
So with that said SMOOCHES y'all
I Hope my dear friends forgive me.
We love ya... you know you are welcome here anytime...
I feel that each person finds where they fit in best. And, I really like the environment here on the board. Those folks on the Rants & Raves board have lots of good things and points to say, but its just not the right tone here on our board, or conducive to our growth. And we, TN folks, are the reason we post on the TN board... Anyway, I hope things are died down now, and we can get back to our regular scheduled programming.
Well I hvae to say that after all that I apparently inadvertantly (sp) stirred up...Im ver disappointed in some people on the board. I never once called someone a name ....i simpley stated my opinions...and to be personally attacked for that was just uncalled for. And for people to assume Im racist because of who i voted and didnt vote for...well that was just wrong and very hurtful.