Emergency Prayer Needed!
I just found out that the adult son of very old and dear friends, Lennie and Nancy committed suicide last night in Collierville. I am so saddened by this. I have know this young man since he was 3 years old. He was a paramedic and a good Christian. He must have been in incredible pain to do this. He leaves a 6 year old daughter who he was in a nasty custody battle over. Ron just talked to our friends and of course they are devastated. My heart breaks for them. Please pray for some measure of comfort for these friends and strength and wisdom for Ron and me as we try to help them.
My heart and prayers go out to your friends and the rest of their family as well as to you and Ron. None of us can ever begin to comprehend what goes on in a person's head that makes them do something like this. It's unfortunate that this young man felt this was the only answer to the problems he was facing. His family will have many unanswered questions and just knowing they have good friends to be there to comfort them will provide them with peace. Thanks for sharing this with us and let us know if there is anything else we as your OH family can do to help this family out.
My heart and prayers go out to your friends and the rest of their family as well as to you and Ron. None of us can ever begin to comprehend what goes on in a person's head that makes them do something like this. It's unfortunate that this young man felt this was the only answer to the problems he was facing. His family will have many unanswered questions and just knowing they have good friends to be there to comfort them will provide them with peace. Thanks for sharing this with us and let us know if there is anything else we as your OH family can do to help this family out.
thanx to those of you *****sponded and are praying. this is really hard for ron and i...brings up a lot of our grief...this young man was matt's very first friend, and physically reminded us a lot of him. they were our next door neighbors when matt was born, lennie and i were in school together-he in dental college, me in nursing school. my heart is broken for this family, especially for little hannah.
Marilyn, please let them know that they are 
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