A little good news
Dr. Hodge's office called me yesterday and said they had received the paperwork I sent. I'm so relieved it got there. She said the letter from my psychiatrist was fine and acceptable. I was really worried because my psych wrote the letter by hand as she is an older lady who doesn't do computers and she has no personal secretary. Anyway, the thing to worry about now is will Dr. Hodge give any credence to the letter from the first psych evaluation or will he trust my psychiatrist. I don't know when I will hear about this. Judy, the office manager has been good about contacting me when something comes up. As soon as I know something, I will post again with the progress.
Thanks, Freddie. I thought it was time to put up a photo that looks like me now, bald head and all. I will probably let it grow back out now that it is getting toward winter. It has been so easy to take care of this summer having it shaved off. Maybe I will let it grow and get motivated to do something with it.