1st Step tonight... Seminar with Dr. Ponce
Way to go in taking your first steps on this new journey. In all of the seminars I have attended part of the process is an explanation of what one can expect from the insurance process. Obviously every office handles them slightly different, but the important thing I have heard from a number of people is to stay on top of the process and do not get discouraged. I wish you all the best as you embark on this journey. Strap in and get ready for an awesome trip. I would start it all over again today if I had to. I have my life back and with each day it only gets better.
If I had to make one suggestion to you it would be to get involved in some sort of support group either online or in person (or better yet - do both) prior to having suregery. You might find yourself in information overload or analysis paralysis, but whatever work you can do prior to surgery will only help afterwards.