October Dinner Club...plans being finalized
Ok, sorry for the confusion with this month's dinner club. I think the weenie roast is a go, and we will go ahead for Saturday the 18th. Since we will be doing some traveling to get there, we will likely have it at an earlier time so we can enjoy the area, corn mazes, pick out pumpkins, etc. Cheryl and I will let everyone know this week the final details. Again, I appologize for the confusuion...if you need to get in touch with me please feel free to pm me or Cheryl. Thanks!
I will get back with them tomorrow and get more details and post them later on tomorrow night. I will ask if we need to reserve the spot or what. I will also see if we can bring coolers and lawn chairs. The bonfire will have haybales for us to set on I'm just not sure how much room that would be. Keep watching for more details over the next couple of days.