I know that our bodies can only process a certain amount of protein at a time, and for this post's purpose let's just say that limit is 25 grams.
How long should a person wait between protein items to give the first bit time to process before starting another drink or something? I found some protein powders that I love and could sip on all day, but I'm not sure if that would defeat the purpose or not.
I would think that if you are sipping a drink overa period of time, you can keep doing that without any problems. It is when you "chug" a large amount of protein at one time that you have to wait because anymore would not absorb. For instance, the 42 gram protein bullets that are 3oz. If you chug one of those, then I always heard you have to wait 2-3 hours for more protein to absorb. But if you are drinking your protein like water, sipping all day (a bottle over an hour..etc), then you are not getting in enough at one time so I would think there would be no wait time.
Maybe someone else has a better answer but that is just my opinion. I guess it all depends on how much protein you are drinking and in what amount of time you are drinking it in.
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)