Job Interview
I went on a job interview today. I know...I can't work right now, but I will again soon! Anyway, it is on the oncology floor at the children's hospital. They are wanting to open an inpatient Hospice suite which of course is right up my alley. And before I was a Hospice nurse, I was a pediatric nurse for 15 years. This may be the job for me. And, I will work 3 days one week and 2 days the next, so I will be able to get back in school to get that Master's degree after all. And, the best part is that I don't have to start until the 3rd Monday in November! So, I have plenty of time to get over all the crud that is going on right now. So, please pray for me. Pray that if this is the right position that it will work out and pray that I will heal FAST if I have to have this other surgery.