Just some thoughts
Just call me Donkee (think Shrek here folks) cause "I need a hug!"
For months now I too have been dealing with depression. Between losing my job in January, plastics in February and the depression that is normal following that, and the super tight job market, it has just been a downward spiral. I have not been as active on the board because I just felt like I didn't have anything left in me to give. I tend to withdraw when depressed and that in turn feeds the depression.
Now that I am back on medication and back to work, the depression is lifting and I am beginning to feel more like myself. I believe we can work through all of this as a family if we will just talk to each other... and listen to each other. We don't have to "fix" each other's problems, nor should we expect anyone to fix our problems. Sometimes we just need a hug!
Consider yourselves cyber hugged!!
Susan (AKA bilsrib)
300/135/135 - Plastics February 2008 - Dr. Lois Wagstrom
P E A C E - It does not mean to be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or hard work. It means to be in the midst of those things and still be calm in your heart.
Jump on the Hug band wagon, you know you want to, you know you will feel better.
As far as the pinching of butts, well that is up to you, if you think you can do it and get away with it go for it..............hehehe

I am late, however I have been suffering from a stomach virus and a migraine headache since Monday

Hugs to all, it has not been fun, don't rememeber what is said on the Ambein and too sick at my stomach to hold my own and refuse to continue the pain meds. Well better late than never and hopfully accepted by all.