Mikey !
There was a high school home school team practicing when we got there. About 15-16 boys, all suited up in pads and working out. One of the boys stuck out during practice, simply because of his weight. This young man was about 5 ft 7 inches and weighed close to 400 pounds. The trouble is, I could relate to him!
During practice, the coach had the team doing wind sprints where they will run a short distance at full speed. Now this young man I am referring to's name is Mikey. How do I know that? Because the coach would yell supportive statements at Mikey while he was running. Every time, Mikey would always come in last, but he never stopped running.
Then the team went on to dreaded up/downs. I'm sure you have seen what I am talking about. It's where the boys run in place and when the coach blows the whistle, they slam themselves to the ground. When the coach blows the whistle again, you get up just as quickly. Same scenario as before, Mikey did about 1 to every other players 3, but he never stopped!
Finally it came time for the last workout of the evening...the 2 mile run! The boys would run around the baseball complex twice and that would equal out to 2 miles. As soon as the team took off running, the coach pulled Mikey off to the side and told him he only had to do it once! So off goes Mikey at the same speed as everything else he did for the evening. The rest of the team actually lapped Mikey twice, but Mikey never stopped.
When the other guys were finished, the coach told them to take off their pads and get some water. They were all holding their sides in pain, and rested for about 1 minute. The coach looked at his team and said, "You know what to do". And off the team went at full speed to catch up with Mikey.
And catch him they did! He had about a 1/4 mile left and the team slowed down and matched Mikey's speed. Form across the field all I heard was supportive and positive statements. "You can do it". "Don't give up". "We're here for you". And as they crossed the finish line, they all gave Mikey a huge, and I mean HUGE bear hug!
Mikey got to lead the closing chant, but before he started, he looked in the eyes of his team mates and said, You guys are the best!!!!!"
As the boys were leaving, I had to go and tell the coach what a great group of guys he had the privilege of leading. Then he sprung a bombshell on me....Mikey had never finished the mile run before! He always stopped and walked the remaining distance, and this was the first time the team went and helped. He gave all the credit to the support that he received from his peers!
You know what? That's what support is about!
I want to be a Patriot!!!!!!