Yay!!! I finally got approved! After waiting for so long it just seems unreal now. I also received my date. It is Nov. 10! A little over a month away! Sorry for all of the exclamation marks, I am just so excited! I want to thank everyone one this board. Reading all of your posts have been informational and inspirational, and some post have made me laugh when I just wanted to cry and give up on getting this surgery done. It has been a long journey and I can wait to start my new life! Thank you & God bless all of you on this forum - Ashley
Congratulations on your approval. I remember when I received mine. I cried. I was elated. I was scared. I was, oh gosh I had so much emotion! But I knew that my new life was about to begin, and I started preparing for it... putting some old things to rest and getting ready for the new changes. Congrats, and please keep us posted on your journey.
Thanks for the congrats. I cried too! The doctor had called this past Friday while I wasn't home and they told my mom the good news, so when I got home she was like, " So your doctor called to confirm your appointment on Monday." I knew about it but I had forgotten. Then she got this really big smile on her face and said they told her that the insurance had approved the surgery. That's when the tears started rolling. I called like 4 or 5 people in a row just to tell them, tears still streaming. I guess since I had already gotten denied, that it wouldn't ever got approved. So when it did, I was shocked, happy, excited, and truthfully a little scared all at the same time. I really appreciate all of the support that I have gotten from you great people and I will most definitely keep y'all posted. - Ashley