Just my thoughts
I am not throwing rocks at anyone here, but the thing that makes this board "special" is each and every one of us here. We all have different opinions, viewpoints, ideas, experiences, suggestions, etc. And from this diverse collection of opinions, viewpoints, ideas, experiences, suggestions, etc. is where the true learning and knowledge comes from. Everyone here truly has something valuable to offer, not only to the pre-ops, but also to those of us who are post-op. We can all share and learn from one another and our experiences.
With this is mind, I sincerely hope we can all be big enough (no pun intended) to put the good of the group ahead of our own feelings or whatever, and get on with the purpose of this board - SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT FOR ONE ANOTHER and SETTING EXAMPLES for those who follow in our steps on this WLS journey.
Peace to you all, my Tennessee WL Family!!
I sit here wondering where to go from here. Truly the board isn't what it used to be, for whatever reasons. It just changed. Somewhat like how the tide of an ocean changes, and there isn't really a way to explain it. You just simply must accept it and go on. But the change this year on the board has been a difficult one for me. It seems that everyone's idea of a support group is different. And this is where I would like to expound just a bit.
#1 To some, its a place to ask questions, to learn, read, research, get help before their surgery so that they are more successful or do things more smoothly and know what to expect. Then after surgery, they will already be eased into a comfortable setting to ask more questions as they have problems occur. This is the group where I can most identify because this is where I fall into... and now, I want to be able to provide information based on knowledge and experience to others who want or need the same.
#2 To others, its a place to fill a void. Perhaps they are homebound, not active and rely heavily upon the words of others on this board to give them assurance or validation. While I cannot relate to this, I have come to realize that there are folks who do rely on the board for this.
#3 To some, its a place to be social. Meeting in person, real life, going out to lunch together, meeting over coffee, wedding showers, baby showers, graduations, birthdays. The focus isn't on the wls particulars, its just getting past that and to the point of relationships.
It's something different to us all. What I think has happened? Where I fit into one category and don't do so well on another, or don't meet others expectations, or if they have not met my expectations, we can get in a tissy. I would rather it be a place of group #1, where people can remain faceless if THEY WISH. I don't like all the "mess" that comes with knowing people in real life and play the games that jr high kids played. One good example is "You're her friend, how come you're not my friend?" Or, "You didn't invite me, you hurt my feelings." These are games that I never played in jr or high school and to be honest, the social crap just plain sucks.
So when I realized that mostly it had become more of a social board, I stopped posting. I have noticed that Susan wasn't here as much also because #1, she's suffered with depression and #2 she has a new job. So people's questions mostly go unanswered unless someone pm's them with the answers.
Yes the board has changed. Maybe we are all at fault because we each have different expectations, and have felt left out, let down, or just plain afraid to post. That's my thought on the matter, for whatever its worth, and now I am left asking "Where to from here?" Do I continue, or do I leave? I know others ask themselves the same question.
As for the issues between Shelia and myself, those things should have been done in private. I will not comment to those things as I have not commented in the past when misunderstandings have been present on the board.
I am sure we are all adults here and agree that these childish games should be kept in childhood. As overweight teens we were subjected to way too much of this crap back then and I refuse to be subjected to it now.
If you see a post from someone who usually ****** you off then just move right on by it without reading it.