Prayer Request
I know I can alway s count on you guys when am exper ienci ng a time of troub le and need help from a Highe r Power . My grand mothe r is sched uled for open heart surge ry today . She spent the weeke nd at Bapti st and she is exper ience d a littl e anxie ty. As some of you may recal l my grand fathe r had bypas s surge ry earli er this year. This has been very taxin g on my famil y espec ially my mom and her sibli ngs. I under stand and am happy she is havin g surge ry as it will give her a bette r life to enjoy her favor ite thing s. I would great ly appre ciate it if you could inclu de my grandmothe r in your praye rs. Her name is Wilma . They took her back before I could make it there this morning. I am upset I did not get to see her prior to going back to prepare for surgery. Her surgery is scheduled for 12:30 so this should be a relatively long day today.
It is so nice to know I have a place I can bring my burde ns.
Much Love
It is so nice to know I have a place
Much Love
I'm in the collecting information for ins. approval stage prior to gastric bypass and Dr. Dyer will be my surgeon. It seems as though you have been very successful with losing weight following this surgery and are a blessing to others who are going through various stages of the endeavor now.
I'm back in TN after having been gone for 20 years and everything has changed so much, I feel like I am in a different world than when I left TN. I wondered what your thoughts were about your physician, care during surgery, follow-up after surgery, etc. I had planned to have the surgery in Atlanta, but the grant funding for my position ended, and I decided to head back home to TN. I'm as anxious about the surgery as I am looking forward to just gettining it done and reaping the health benefits of shedding so much of this weight.
I'm in the collecting information for ins. approval stage prior to gastric bypass and Dr. Dyer will be my surgeon. It seems as though you have been very successful with losing weight following this surgery and are a blessing to others who are going through various stages of the endeavor now.
I'm back in TN after having been gone for 20 years and everything has changed so much, I feel like I am in a different world than when I left TN. I wondered what your thoughts were about your physician, care during surgery, follow-up after surgery, etc. I had planned to have the surgery in Atlanta, but the grant funding for my position ended, and I decided to head back home to TN. I'm as anxious about the surgery as I am looking forward to just gettining it done and reaping the health benefits of shedding so much of this weight.
My grandmother ended up having triple bypass today. Surgery was a success and she is recovering. They will keep her in recovery overnight which I understand is typical. I want to thank you all for your calls and messages today. They meant a lot to me. It is nice to know we have a God who listens to our prayers.
I hope your grandmother continues to do well. I believe I inadvertently posted a question right in the midst of your request for prayer for her. While I managed to goof on the post, I did say a prayer for your grandmother and your family. We do indeed have a God who listens to prayers.
Best wishes,
I hope your grandmother continues to do well. I believe I inadvertently posted a question right in the midst of your request for prayer for her. While I managed to goof on the post, I did say a prayer for your grandmother and your family. We do indeed have a God who listens to prayers.
Best wishes,