My Changing Body- Smile About My" Change"(It's Funny, To Me)
I was taking my shower this morning and had already knew how my body was sagging and everything, so I decided to examine my belly button for the umpteenth time where I am now losing belly fat, I was trying to figure out what it looked like but couldn't decide, so I thought it would be cute to show my sweet little mother. Well you know what she had the audacity to tell me that my belly button looked like.........................the inside of a cake donut, you know kind of wrinkly along the edges where the hole has been cut out.............LOL, I thought I was gonna die and then I realized she was right and if she had said that it looked like the tip end of a hotdog, where it's got those little gathers on each end, she would have been correct also at least that's what I was thinking. See my belly button no longer looks like a big pot hole in the street but rather more like.............the inside of that donut maybe, all I know is that it has lots of gathers around it now. I can't even see the mole that was there anymore.....well if I search for it I might find it. Please stay tuned for another episode of "My Changing Body" sometimes in the near I do hope that I have maybe made someone laugh, or smile or britghtened someone's day.
It is really funny to watch your body change.......and just to think I used to play with my midriff and now it's not as big as it was so I have to find something else to poke fun at, it really is good to be able to laugh at yourself every once in a while. Oh I haven't got to the good parts yet, you should see my but I will save that for the next episode.