xtra xtra read all about it
This is the second month in a row over the last three years that I have not had to have a shot to build up my red blood counts. My Leukemia is in a semi-remission. I'm supposed to take 50 mg of my chemo pills in the morning and at night. For 2 months I have only been taking them at bedtime, and my blood counts are in great shape. Oncologist is proud of it. Still tire easily, and my immune system isn't the greatest, but I'm still hanging in there and I have a new motto.
"When I wake up it's a blessing, when I feel pain, I'm alive."
"When I wake up it's a blessing, when I feel pain, I'm alive."
Thank you, GF. It is a great feeling. Just wish I had more energy. A/C in this room decided to bust last night. Now it's just hot air coming thru. Waiting for maintence to come and fix it. It's set at 60 degrees and just the fan is blowing. It was like an explosion last night it was so loud. It's 90 degrees outside and cooler then in here. I keep putting a cloth in the freezer just to cool off. Oh well, maybe I should defrost this little ice box inside my fridge and put the chunks of ice in a bucket. LOL Talk with you soon. Love ya