Waiting on Approval
I'll let you know. Pam Davis with Centennial spoke at the seminar I attended and she said sometimes the insurance companies will respond back within a couple of weeks and others will take the full 45 days to respond. I hope it don't take that long. I want to get approved the first time so I can look hot by summer.
Lisa K.
I'll wait with you!!! My paperwork went to BcBS of TN today, so we are on about the same schedule. Friday I found out that I have been called to jury duty for October, November and December. I explained to them that I hope to be having surgery during this time , but they said I have to show up on October 3rd and give them a definate date for my surgery. I probably won't even have approval by then. Always something. I'm worried that maybe I ddin't have enough proof of trying to lose weight before.
I also worry about the proof. I didn't start putting on this extra weight until about 3 years ago, I'm sure it is from all the stress I've been going thru with my parents but I can't seem to get it off by myself. I'm just wandering what my next step would be if I get denied. Am I going to have to wait 2 years so I'll have 5 years of weight totals?
Lisa K.