A prayer request!
For over a year now, you have witnessed the transformations made by my wife, my sister and myself (along with countless others!). We have been a part of the ups, downs, and all the movements sideways that WLS has to offer!
I personally have told any one who will listen about my surgery and all that it entails. In fact, I speak about it with excitement in my voice because of all the wonderful things that have happened because of it!
Well, last week, we found out that my brother-in-law (Beth's brother) is slated for surgery this morning at 8:00 in Atlanta. We had no idea he was even considering this, though we have tried to talk about it! He has requested that we keep it quiet, he does not want any one to know what is going on! In fact, he has not shared with his younger children (14 and 11, the 17 year old knows) what is happening!
I'm sorry, but I felt I needed to share with you guys, since you are the life blood and driving force in my success! So, please pray for Dave, Kris. the kids, and the surgeons at Atlanta Medical Center!
And when it's all over, this will make the 4th member of my family that has had WLS! WOW! I knew we were all losers, but never in this way!
Love you guys, you are the best!
I personally have told any one who will listen about my surgery and all that it entails. In fact, I speak about it with excitement in my voice because of all the wonderful things that have happened because of it!
Well, last week, we found out that my brother-in-law (Beth's brother) is slated for surgery this morning at 8:00 in Atlanta. We had no idea he was even considering this, though we have tried to talk about it! He has requested that we keep it quiet, he does not want any one to know what is going on! In fact, he has not shared with his younger children (14 and 11, the 17 year old knows) what is happening!
I'm sorry, but I felt I needed to share with you guys, since you are the life blood and driving force in my success! So, please pray for Dave, Kris. the kids, and the surgeons at Atlanta Medical Center!
And when it's all over, this will make the 4th member of my family that has had WLS! WOW! I knew we were all losers, but never in this way!
Love you guys, you are the best!
DebbieJean, Thank you Much! We missed you and DH on Saturday! My brother just called here looking for my parents (I'm dog sitting again!) he sounded fine. I told him he and Kris were in our prayers and he said thank you. If you were to know Dave, he is not a very outwardly emotional kind of guy. In fact he was joking to Kris that if something were to happen to him, she would have plenty of money to spend. She said no money, just him! I love my new SIL. He is my younger brother and would never EVER admit that he did something positive in his life because I did it. I know in my heart that Scott, Melissa and I were influences in his decision to do this. And that makes me happy. Actions speak louder than words. He is a great guy and a good father to his three step children and I wish him luck with is new tool. We will have many more new recipes from him once he is able to eat again! He is an awesome gourmet cook! I love my brother and wish him the best of luck and God's RIchest Blessings with this surgery!
Prayers coming your way and your brother-n-law's family. You and Beth have been a great inspiration not just in losing the weight but with your faith. I know your bnl will do just fine and when he's ready, he'll be a walking testament to others in the family as well.
May God travel with Dave and Kris on this new journey.
May God travel with Dave and Kris on this new journey.