Gluttony - Do you suffer from it?
Question??? Do you think that pre-op the psychiatric apt. should be more thorough in order to uncover things that maybe we do or don't know about our eating habits. Would this give the WLS patient a better advantage. I'm sorry but right now I can't remember who it was but they had been denied WLS due to their psychiatric evaluation and they continued to work with her on issues she had. I thought that was one of the most remarkable post. You know when she finally has WLS she will have a real chance for success. I hear so many people that were rubber stamped through this process and I think its a disservice to them. This was the one requirement that I looked forward to, sounds weird I know but I wanted to make sure (or as sure as anyone can ever know) that I had the make up to succeed before I allowed someone to rearrange my insides. Interested in your opinion. C'ya Bob
Everyone has days or periods that they get off track. When I do get off track I have to look at it and say "What's going on here?" instead of beating myself up over what I've done. I've learned so much since my surgery from my doc and WLS friends/family !
Keepin on keepin on!
I feel that it is up to us individually to face the reality that we cannot "Have our cake and eat it too" so to speak. Once a person decides to have this surgery, they also need to understand that the mental aspect of life post-op will require a totally new relationship with food. In my mind, the surgery is designed to create the exact situation that I hear many people express despair over - you cannot eat certain foods, or too much food. I often wonder why, if folks have truly done their research prior to surgery, they have such a problem with this after surgery. Just my $.02.