Back on track, hopefully#########
Good morning everyone. After 2 months of trying to cheat the system in every way possible I finally got back to doing it the right way and started losing again. I hate following rules and I will fight it every way I can until things reach out and bite me in the butt.
We just bought a Golds Gym machine and added some more miles to our walk which helps. We ( hubby & I) walk every day for 3 miles in the morning and from 1-3 miles in the evening. We do 45-55 min of aerobic a day, above the belt one day and below the belt the next and now we have our new machine to play with. It took us 3 afternoons to put it togeather.
I finally dot the yard and garden under control for a while and the canning has started. I did 12 pints of pikles beets last. Today it is going to be saurkraut and Tuesday or Wed chow chow and soon I want to make some salsa.
Does anyone have a good (mild) salsa recipe? I have never made it before.
I better go for now and get dressed and hit the road. All you newbies hing in there, it does get better a ways down the road just keep busy and keep your mind off of food. Good luck to you all. To every one that has pmed me I will try to answer. I don't spend a lot of time on the net these days just to busy. Love you all and I hope to meet you some day. Birdy