Fragrances......Questions for the Postops
I have to thank Mel for her post, because that made me think to ask the question about perfumes and body sprays, perfume oils and lotions. Has anyone had a favorite fragrance and it just doesn't suit you since surgery? Are you able to tolerate the smell of your favorite scent? Has the scent changed due to a change in your body or does it still smell the same on you as before surgery? Might be a weird question but I am trying to wonder if it changes because the body changes so dramatically, especially hormonally.
I had lap band surgery, so my sense of smell didnt change much, and I cant really tell a difference of how my cologne smells on me. However, my sense of taste has changed. I now cant get enough of extra spicy foods and tastes. Before surgery I didnt like alot of real spicy food. Its like my taste buds have been dulled.
My sense of taste has changed as well, and in fact, changes sometimes from day to day. I might eat something today and it tastes good, then tomorrow it doesn't taste good at all. It's kinda weird.
Anyways, that's my experience at 10 weeks out.
I notice that I had the same reaction to Mexican food too! It used to be my favorite, but then I got to where I could not even stand in the restaurant after eating. It made me gag. I would say to Tim, "I've gotta use the restroom..." then he knew he had to get the bill, the leftovers, and then pay the bill in a hurry cause that meant I was not coming back to the table. The smell of sizzling fajitas was enough to send me over the edge... Then he had to put the leftover box in the trunk so I could not smell it!
As for perfumes, I was sensitive to these prior. I didn't own but maybe 1 bottle of perfume that I can remember. But since then I own about 20 bottles (another obsession I guess) and like to wear them every day. (One at a time of course! lol).
I was sensitive to the grocery store. The smell of the foods, even inside their containers, made me sick. I would get nauseous and have to leave the store. I can smell things very easy now as my sense of smell is heightened post surgery.
I guess you can wait til afterwards, and if it bothers you, just save them in a storage place for a later time....
Thanks for all of the answers, so perhaps it's just a waiting game to see how I am affected. But I do see that the sense of smell changes as well as the taste buds. I guess if I can't stand the smell of some of the perfumes I currently own I will do like you said Mel, store them away but I can't see myself throwing or giving them away.
Neena, seems like we become extra special people.................. and just think about it nobody can lie to us about what's in a bag, if we ask them...LOL Thanks again!