Wii Fit??
I have never really been a big video game fan. I had the original Nintendo system when I was a kid and enjoyed playing it back then, but haven't really played video games in the past 10 years. I was visiting family in Indianapolis over the weekend and they have a Wii Fit. It seemed so cool! I was wondering if any of you have a Wii? If so, do you have Wii Fit? I am considering purchasing both, but I am worried that I won't know how to set it all up. Is it easy to do? Any suggestions? I know they're hard to find in the store, but they have some on ebay for $489? Is that a rip-off?? Can you play Rock Band on a Wii? Or is that on another gaming system? (You can tell I really don't know much about this stuff! haha)
We have a Wii and it is so fun! The basic game CD that come with it (sports like bowling, boxing, baseball and golf) really get you moving and sweating. You can make your own Mii to use so you get to be creative. I have had mine for about a year and purchased off Ebay. I would recommend looking at the seller's feedback before bidding, but mine was great. Since they only come with one controller if you buy another one I would recommend the one that comes with a Wii Game (I can't remember the name of the game). It is about $10 more than a controller and has several fun games that teach you to use the remote (target shooting, cow racing, pool, air hockey and fishing). These also get you moving! There is a game on it called find Mii and it is really good for your brain and reaction time. I am addicted to that one. I don't have the Wii Fit, but did pick up a CD demo. It looks awesome and I have been trying to catch one in the stores. The also make the dance party's for Wii that they say will get you moving and burn a ton of calories! Good Luck! Kristy
Hope you find one and have lots of fun exercising!!