IDGOMB 7-8-08
OK, where are all of my motivating Peeps??? The IDGOMB group have been slacking or just not posting!!
I got up early and went for a 1mile walk, then did 45 minutes of my aerobics class.....then I went to work where I will be today until 6:30pm.
All you have to say her is that you walked, did house work, laundry, turned flips, gardening, washed your car or something..
You don't have to run a marathon each day or weight lift the weight of 4 men every hour.....
I need some help staying motivated, and this posting has always helped. I need more people to post and keep me going. I enjoy reading how much everyone is doing or NOT!!
Do I need to get some Low Fat Cheese to go with my WINE??
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN
Thank Bob and Gidget, It helps to know that folks other than myself have other things to do and have trouble posting and getting in the exercise.
I didn't mean to sound so mean or ugly, it really does help to see how everyone is doing. It is also a self check for me to post each online exercise log.....that others can see.
Thanks again,
Sherry M-Pleasant View, TN