Phil update
Went to the foot doctor yesterday and good news kinda not so good news. The wound is getting smaller everyday. There is still some drainage and that is what the doctor is concerned about. We go back next Thursday and if it is still draining they are going to put him in a cast for a week or so, that way the ankle can't move at all. He is thinking that if the ankle doesn't move then it will heal. It is so hard for him to not to move it, because he has to use that foot so much because of the other one being amputatated. He did release him from home health and I will be doing all the dressing changing. Between the both of them they are determined to make a nurse out of me If the wound doesn't dry up so to say, then they want to do another surgery and open up his foot again and sew it up from the inside out and we don't want that for sure. We will keep you posted. The good news about this is that they do cultures everytime we go and there is no infection.
We went to Baptist yesterday and he filled out his "nut" paperwork and our PCP is faxing the very last blood report that they need. Hopefully they will get that today and can sumit his paperwork either today or Monday. Then we wait, and we all know how much fun that
Hope everyone is having a great day and hope to see a whole bunch of loser's tonight at the Dinner Club.