No, I'm not talking about the movie... the one with Robin Williams and that other famous young good looking fella whose name has slipped my mind...Matt Damon, Ben Affleck! aha. There.
I am talking about my adventures of traveling from Goodwill to Goodwill... not just city wide, but in the Mid TN area! Since Scott posted about how our glass is either half full or half empty and made us post what we are thankful for, I thought I would catch you all up on my Goodwill journeys during these dark depressive days. I always get this feeling where I just want to be alone... and Goodwill is where I head in an attempt to beautify myself. So if I make poor choices, I won't (a) gain weight, (b) mess up my hair color (c) dry out the skin around my eyes on stupid Walgreens cheap eye shadow but I will just buy a bad blouse then give it away to someone who does like it, or give it back to Goodwill !!
So I have this "issue" with dressing rooms. I like to peruse the entire store with my buggy. Very quickly. It goes something like this. Get the buggy. Go straight for blouses, size small. Flip, flip, flip, flip, as I manually flip each blouse past my eyes swishing it to the left with my right hand. Once I have gone through all of those, I go straight for the dresses..... again, flip, flip, flip. You get the idea. One lady was standing in my way... she slowly moved one dress to her left, then slowly looked at another and moved it to the left... while I am flip, flip, flip in 5 seconds flat on each garment... I can tell immediatley whether I like it or not... so I have flipped through 3 sections to her 1 section and now she is in my way! Ok she got out of the way cause she must have sensed my frustration.... lol
Then its off to the skirts... size small... I don't bother with the solids. I don't like solids and I only want very short mini skirts with cute patterns... flip, flip, flip, flip.... moving right along. We don't dilly dally as my mother used to call it. So then, its time to try on all of these clothes. I go to the men's dressing room cause the women's are always full. Most women are too ashamed to go over to the men's, and men don't try anything on. So guess who is in that dressing room? ME!
I have real huge issues with the dressing room... Men and women's. Here are several and I hope you get a kick out of them.
*Saturday at Gallatin, I was in line.... a lady ahead of me had just got in the dressing room (men's). A Mexican who did not understand English came along and I tried to tell him someone was in there. He tried to open the door. So... then its my turn. I 'm in the dressing room... huffing and puffing trying to get these clothes off me cause you know... they are easier got on than off... and the lady outside says "someone is in there." The guy tries to open the door. She says again, "She's in there." He tries again to open my dressing room! I yell at the top of my voice, "I am in here!" He evidently got the hint and walked away. The lady outside said, "Thank you. I tried to tell him that someone was in there!"
Last week I was in the dressing room (women's) and tried to come out. Someone had parked their buggy in the firing line of the door. WHOP! Uhh I wanted to cuss and yell "hey do you mind letting me out of here?" sigh.
Then there is the day a lady repeatedly tried to get in my dressing room. I go to one where non English speaking people go. OK, that's fine. But hello? Can you at least look towards the floor and see if there are a pair of legs behind that dressing room door? It always works for me. So, knock, knock - door jiggle. "Yes?" I say. Nothing. Again.. Knock, knock. Door jiggle. "I'm in here". I thought, one more time and I don't care if I get arrested. I am gonna fling this door wide open in my underwear and bra and ask "what the h*ll do you want? Can you see someone is in here?" My jesus!
The thing is. I waited my turn to get into the dressing room. The lady before me had a buggy full. The ones after me have buggy fulls. So ... wait your turn, leave the friggin door handle alone... and do not park your dang buggy in front of the door where I cannot get out so that you can in turn, get in. !!!
Then there is the dressing room on the Herman street/9th avenue Goodwill. My Lord. I thought I was being video taped by perverts and had walked into a crackhouse. I was scared to death to walk from the store to my car that I would be accosted by someone. I won't go there again!