Okay I know that I am not the only one who is sick of the rising gas prices. I do not drive so we only have one vehicle but my husband travels 75 miles round trip 3-4 days per week to work. Now the local gas stations are placing a hold on your account if you use a debit card. If you buy $75 in gas they will put a $75 hold on your account so you actually have $150 tied up instead of the $75- which is causing the banks to make money on the NSF fees. I was on the interstate the other day with my husband and we passed a subcompact car ( one so small you could fold it up and put in your pocket..LOL) and it had a bumper sticker that said " WHEN BUSH TOOK OFFICE GAS WAS $1.47 A GALLON" Now I do not want to step on toes and I am not trying to bring politics into this but it did give me something to think about. Any one out there have any gas horror stories to share or ways that you are trying to save gas??????????
OMG. Do not get me started on gas prices. It is ridiculous. I don't know how people make ends meet with prices for gas and food going up. And don't tell me the government can't control it when the oil companies are making billions of dollars in profits every quarter. They should be ashamed of themselves. And people will say Americans demands are the reason why but what do they expect. We can't stop working or living. I have to drive 65-70 miles round trip to work every day (5 days a week) and my husband drives 60 round trip every day. Due to our schedules, we can't car pool. Gas used to be an extra on the budget but now I have to actually budget for gas (and food too because of how much food prices have risen!). Uughhh. Americans are getting poorer while these oil execs and the government are getting richer. Yes, the government in my opinion is profitting from it too and getting their pockets lined or else they would be doing more to force these companies to make a change. Billions of dollar profits a quarter - come on now. Can they not lower prices and "settle" with 1 billion in profits a quarter and how can they complain with 1 billion dollars?
159 (current/post-pregnancy)
150 (Goal)
I hear ya Rebecca and Misty, I too feel your pain. Even though Phil and I are not able to work, we still have to get out to doctors appts etc. I haven't heard about the stations charging double on the debit cards, but I have heard of places putting holds on cards for $100 no matter how much gas you are getting. I have gotten to the point to where I just get $30 at a time just so it doesn't it so hard. I have also been trying to shop at Kroger's so at least we can get .10 off a gallon, but I drove by there today in Smyrna and it was $3.95 there. We are just trying to combine as many trips as we can and shop at places close together. So if anyone else has any ideas on all of this please post to let us know. At this point we are very open to ideas, as well as everyone else is I'm sure.